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Max's Award for Excellence!

Max's Award for Excellence is presented to sites that are deemed excellent, in our personal subjective opinion. If you feel your site qualifies (or know the location of an excellent site) then you should check the rules and see the Winners and then Apply:red ball
Max's Award for Excellence
What you should know about Max's Award:
paw If you receive Max's Award for Excellence, you should agree to link the award back to:
paw Any graphics you display on your site should be loading from your own server. There are very few exceptions to that rule so think twice before you steal someone else's bandwidth.
Your site must be written in some form of English or have an English version available. 
The site must not contain language or art that promotes or supports hatred toward anyone because of race, creed, religion, or national origin. Sites that advocate cruelty to beast or person or anything like that will not receive Max's Award for Excellence.
Business and personal sites are equally eligible for Max's Award for Excellence.
Exception: X-rated sites will NOT be considered.
If your site freezes our browser or crashes our computer you will not receive Max's Award for Excellence.
please e-mailyour application with the following subject line: Max Award Application. Also include your site url, e-mail address, and tell me why you feel that your site deserves this award.............................................................

