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My freinds are all cool no duh (they wouldn't be my freinds if they wern't).

Megan: She is cool, I don't think I have ever met anyone whe could mach her mixture of intelegence, coolness, and style. She is trully someone I will never forget.

Mack: She may be kinda hyper, but she is a cool girl. She likes dogs and Animie like me. Again someone I won't forget.

Jenna A.K.A Kat: She is sorta clutsy (kinda like me), bubbly *pop*pop*pop*, very kind, and can keep a secret (but she forgets heh). Has Golden brown hair, 5'0.

Haley J. A.K.A D:Cool, mature, can sing, pretty, red hair, freckles, nice. 5'4.

Tika: Black, Brown eyes, Black hair, Fairly Tall, Stubborn (in a good way), Care free, Nice. Trully a cool girl.4'11.

Rosalba: Classy, Pretty, Funny, Hispanic, Calm (Sometimes), Black hair, Brown eyes, Cool.4'9.

Aubrey: Cool, Hyper, Nice, Sk8er girl are the best words to describe her. 4'9 dark brown hair, brown eyes.

Chelsea(sp?):Nice to me, funny, and she likes anime. Those are the reason most people are my freinds, but these are just breif discriptions of them. Pretty, light brown hair thats normaly in a ponytail, sometimes wears glasses, sophisticated (in a way).

Amy: Quiet, nice, Korean, plays the flute, funny. Black hair, normally pulled back in a ponytail, freckles, glasses.

Jamie: Wacky but still sane (if thats posible). She has great potential to become someone who works with horses. She is a major otaku (not ofensively, like me). She loves W-inds, rides my bus, and has a webbie that's on my xanga. She is wakohorse_girl(sp?) Shoulder length, straight, light brown hair, glasses.

Taraq(sp?): A.K.A. Turkey *snort*, after Rosalba's freinds started calling him that. He rides my bus, likes anime, funny, and can draw fairly. Black hair, semi-curly, brown eyes.

Garett(sp?): Rides my bus, likes animie but prefers manga (he says he dosn't like to read, hah), funny, anoying, lets me borrow what little manga he has. Sometimes spiky, light brown hair, has distinct glasses that are perscription, but their blue lensed.

Noah: Annoying, Nice, Funny, umm plays the flute, rides my bus. Short, blond hair to the ears that curls out a little, blue eyes, metal mouth.

I do have many more but this is all I'm putting. If your my TRUE friend then you know who you are. I have very few. This is just a refrence for people new to my xanga and have no idea who I'm talking about. So here is your rough sketch.