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Captain G's House of the Falcon

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Begin the Quest

Great White North
Sweet Brown Sugar
Fitness and Health
People Search and Yellow pages
Entertainment (Movies, Food, More)
Email links
Millsaps links
Ask the Falcon

The falcon is dedicated to the following tasks

1) Obtaining original video recordings of "Great White North" skits, the forerunners of "Strange Brew", the greatest movie of all time starring Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas as "Bob and Doug McKenzie".

(2) Seeking information regarding the amateur wrestler "Sweet Brown Sugar", last seen wrestling in a small, south Texas circuit on independant cable. "Sweet" is regarded as the most influential wrestler of this century.

(3) Following the New Orleans Saints football team as they journey the road to the Super Bowl in 2004.

(4) Following the Tennessee Titans football team as they journey the road to the Super Bowl in 2004 (of course they will loose to the Saints in the end).

(5) Providing useful information as a web page should.