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Breiner Racing Homepage


Scotts Driver information
Mahoning Valley Speedway
Pictures of the racecar 1
The Mountain Speedway
The Speedway tech
The Family of Scott
The Pitcrew

This is the new Breiner racing page. This site is dovoted to the breiner racing team and friends. The driver for Breiner racing is Scott Breiner, he race's the 67 street stock out at Mahoning Valley Speedway. He has raced there in the past. This site is for the fans, family, friends, sponsers, and the driver. Hope you enjoy my webpage!!!! Please take the time to sign my guestbook, thank you for your time. ...........UPDATES................ 10/18/03 I'm working on the site more today, hope i get alot done.... 10/01/03 I have worked on the site some more i have more pictures still working on information and the other pages im hoping within this week to get the pictures page done completely. The next page im gonna work on is the driver information, where working on pictures of the family, the fans, and pitcrew. Hope to have more done for you soon. 9/18/03 I am working on updating the site but, i am also working on a lot right now with school. Im trying to get a club up in my school. I'm in a few so thats more work to. I also have a so thats taking a lot of time up and my computer has a virus or 5 lol. 9/18/03 If there are any idea's for the site email me. If you are a fan and have a pic send it i will make a fan page with enough pics!
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