Kristin's Funkdafied 'About Me' Site
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My Sis

About time I update, eh? sis just reminded me that I took these pics of her a while enjoy. They're in the 'Family Pics' Section. Click here or on the pic to the left. Lata!
11:09PM - 25 September 2003

The Kresge Vacation

Ahhh, that "lovely" time of the year, vacation time. Yeah, I just went on vacation w/ my family this past week, and I'm so incredibly glad it's over. Too much fighting and f'n bickering. Grrrrrr, anyways, click here for the pics or on the funny-ass pic of my sis on the left that, might I add, she took of herself. Enjoy! :) 'Cause I know I sure as hell didn't..
8:35 PM - 25 July 2003

Me Again -- Sorry Peeps!

Aight, I just found these pics on an old disk, and I figured since I actually thought they were decent, I'd put 'em on here. The quality isn't the best but oh well. They were taken my Senior Year in my photography class by the Starr Twins. Thanks girls! Aight, thas' enough for now. Click here or on the pic to the left for more.
8:00 PM - 25 July 2003

My Baby & I

Well, I really haven't updated this in a long while, so I figured I'd update w/ a pic of Josh and I since we've been an "item" for how long now. Click on the pic to see more in the "My Family" Pics Section, or jus' click right here.
7:35 PM - 25 July 2003

Jus' Me -- Sorry to disappoint you!

Yo yo yo! I got really bored at my sis' apartment, so I decided to fool around w/ my digital taking pictures of myself. Yeah, I finally discovered the "timer feature." I love the pic to the left 'cause I look SO evil! hehehe, yeah, that'd be me :) Aight, click here, or again on the pic to access the newest pics of muah.
10:34 PM - 1 May 2003

Silly me

Oops..I'm dumb. I just realized that I had my madd old email on this page instead of my brand spankin' new one. Ahhh well. It's not like any of you *tried* to email me anyways! Jus' figured I'd update it. It's now to any of you who actually care. Aight, that be it for now. Tons of shit to do tonight, so more updates will most likely come tomorrow. Tata!
1:59 PM - 30 April 2003

Grad Party

I think I'm going to bed now, either that or I'm actually going to do some homework. Anyways, I found some pics from my grad party, although they're really shitty quality 'cause they were originally taken w/ my 35mm, and then taken w/ my digital. Get it? If not, oh well. Yeah, and the infamous Tom was also at my Grad party, although he was w/ Alicia at the time, who, might I add, was glad to get rid of him, as was I. So, if any of you were wondering who he was, that's him. Yeah, enough about that..
12:43 AM - 29 April 2003

Wascally Wabbit!

Yes yes yes! We got another update to the "Nature Section." I'm searching through all of my old disks of pictures, and I just happened to find some pics of baby birds and THE cutest baby rabbit (although it's the only one I've ever These were taken a long long while ago, but don't worry. I didn't *touch* the rabbit, nor did anyone else 'cause it went back to its mother where it's perfectly fine, aight! Jus' making sure.. :)
12:31 AM - 29 April 2003

New Addition

Those of you who actually talk to me on a regular basis know I got a puppy not too long ago. Her name's Kasie and I finally put some pics of her on the "My Aminals" Page. Take a looksie.
11:42 - 28 April 2003

"Friend" Pics

I decided to add a "Friends" Pics page, even though I feel there really is no such a thing as a friend. I should kinda rephrase that and say there is no such thing as a girl friend 'cause all girls are bitches, hence why 90% of my friends that I can actually trust are guys. Well, sux to be those dumb bitches, I guess.
Anyway, the pics that are in that section right now are just of people that I used to work w/ @ LLM, while participating in the Lehighton Parade.
10:08 PM - 28 April 2003

Hunting Pics

Hey peeps! I'm doing more updated 'cause I'm avoiding school work at all costs. Right now, I actually fixed/added the "Hunting Pics" link in the "other pics" section, so ya'll can check that out. There aren't any actual hunting pics, just from when me, my bro, and Dad were sighting our rifles in. Plus, well, I took a pic of my car and the nice dent from driving in Allentown. That was the last time I went clubbin..anyways, enjoy! :)
9:45 PM - 28 April 2003

Nature Pics

Aight this is the LAST update of the night/morning! I can't help it; I can't sleep! Anyways, I added the Nature Pics under the "Other Pics Section." These are my most favorite pics to take 'cause, as I have said before, I love nature w/ a passion! So, yeah, appreciate them..or else! :)
4:09 AM - 27 April 2003

Physics Pics

Well, I finally fixed the Physics Pics Page. Sean, I think, was bustin' me about it a while ago..oh wells. Sean, this one's for you! Although, I didn't flip some of the pics the way they should be 'cause I was too lazy, so Sean, if you're horizontal instead of vertical and vice versa, it isn't my problem! hehehe :)
Bleh, putting these pics up reminded me of the good ole' days..I miss Charlamaine & Tangy so much! I'm most likely going to visit them soon, or well, piss my mum off and get a snake of my own..*cackle*
3:42 AM - 27 April 2003

"Oh What a Night" Pics!

On my AOL Subprofile, a lot of people were asking me what happened on that one night a few weeks ago that made it so memorable. Well, here are some pics to see what went on. And, btw, my sis and her b/f broke up which was FANTASTIC, and I got really drunk. What fun, what fun. More happened, but oh well, take a looksie for yourself by clicking here or on the pic on the left.
1:32 AM - 27 April 2003

Dutter -- R.I.P. 1987-2003

I don't know how many of you people out there have actually lost a pet, but it is the worst experience in the entire world. I hope that it never ever happens to any of you. Dusty was the greatest dog ever, and there are no words to express how much she is missed. She will always be in my heart, and there is not a day that passes by that I don't think of her. Dutter, wherever the hell ya are, I love ya!

On A Better Note

Aight, I guess it's about time I updated this goddamn page. To mention a little about myself, I am now 19 years old and live in the shittiest town in the world, Lehighton. There is absolutely nothing to do here and that is why almost everyone travels 20 or 30 miles to do something decent and worthwhile. Anyways, I love Philosophy. It's too bad I'm majoring in English 'cause I'd probably fully major in Philosophy if I actually had a chance to get a job in that field, but oh sux, and luckily it's over in 2 weeks. Then, I'll be workin' overnight @ Wally World.
I love to hunt various things and go fishing. If I have any time available, I'll spend it outside 'cause I love nature, and especially photography. That'd be another kewl thing to major in and make a living out of, but again, it's highly unlikely. That's enough about me for now..'cause I'm just babbling anyways.

Bite me

Grrrrrrrrrr..Working at Wally World SUX Goat balls! Not just regular-sized goat balls, either. I'm talking as big as cantaloupes! Bleh..Don't ever do it. As far as I'm concerned, I work there until I continue to better my education, and they do NOT own me. Sorry..just HAD to vent.
Also, if you'd like to order the book to the left, simply click here or on the actual pic.

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