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Angel Grayson

Guild - Family

OCM - Order of the Crimson Moon
Nitemare Inc.
Angel Blade Grayson
Miller J. Grayson
Mykonous Ludith Grayson da Lunith

Angel B. Grayson

I was only a young man when I lost my parents to a man that my father wouldn't work for. So the man came calling and killed my mother and then my father. I ran before he could find me, I stayed away for a couple of hours and came back only to see my house being burned down to the ground, I stood outside, my little hands balled up into a fist. My head down, and my eyes closed think of a way to get back at the name.

When I heard a house slowly riding up the path the leads into the town, I didn't look to see who was coming up the path. Nor did I really care at that point in time, then the house stopped and I heard someone sliding off the house and then slowly walking up to me. His voice very deep as he spoke to me "Young one, you think that standing outside you're house the fire is going to put itself out? " due to me being pissed I turned to look at the man, he looked as if he was maybe like 20 or 21, but those eyes of his made him look a lot older then that.

" If you wish to die, then I can bring the end of you're life now. " the man just laughed at me as he stepped closer " Believe in my word young one, You couldn't kill me if I let you. " his words just made me even madder. I ran to him and tried to punch him, but by the time my fist came to where the man should have been, my body spun around and around and then I feel to the ground. I quickly stood up and looked around, the man was leaning against a wall that was about ten feet behind him. His speed was so quick that I couldn't see it. " Are you a demon? " the man laughs again, and then speaks "I've been called that, But I don't want to fight you.

But show you the way to defeat the man responsible for you're parents death "with those words, I had to go. For I wanted the man dead more then anyone else in the world. One my nineteenth birthday this man who has decided to teach me the ways to get back, came to me "Angel, would you like to become stronger, faster? " the idea quickly entered my mind and before I knew it, I said yes. The man then grinned and said "Enjoy you're last morning, for tomorrow night I shall start you're Embracing " The man went to bed and I stayed up to watch the sunrise, and then slept a bit during the day, and then woke up and watched the sunset.

I knew it was my last, The man woke with that grin still upon those pail lips of his as he stepped to me, his off white canines extended as his tongue extends, and slowly moves a long those pail lips "This might hurt a bit " quickly is upon me, his canines within my neck, my blood quickly flowing out of the bite marks, and into his mouth. I felt my heart slowly starting to stop, as the man then pulled back, licks those pail lips of his again, then cuts his wrist, and lets the blood slowly drip into my mouth, then he places his wrist into my mouth and allows me to drink from him, I do so and then he pulls away and I pass out. After two more days of the feeding I have become as he was, A Brujah. And he and I both look to each other like a true brother.... I still haven't found that man.


Miller J. Grayson - Brother
Mykonous Ludith Grayson da Lunith - Brother
Rose M. Grayson - [Soon to be] Sister in Law
James L. Grayson - Uncle
Aurora S. Grayson - Niece