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Tokyo Marui Steyr AUG review

Tokyo Marui Steyr AUG Civilian Version A little Background on the Steyr AUG: The Steyr AUG was developed in the late 1970’s. It is currently used in several countries including: Austria, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland and Saudi Arabia.
Looks: Overall this gun is very good looking and has a lot of upgrade potential. With the rail system you can add on whatever type of scope you want, I put a G&G 1x46 Red dot scope on mine. The rest of the gun is a nice matte black color. The included magazine is semi-transparent. I have grown to love this feature as I can just look to see how many rounds I have left. The mag is the largest standard capacity mag made by Tokyo Marui, it holds 80 rounds. The fore grip is not the same as the cheap hollow one that is included with the M4 R.I.S. or PDW the stock can fold and easily locks into 3 positions. One of the positions is rather awkward, with the handle at a 45 degree angle. The safety button is located just above the hand guard. Also the Steyr AUG doesn’t have a selector switch, which I will talk about later.
Features: One of the first things you’ll notice upon shooting the AUG is the lack of a selector switch. Instead there is a pressure sensitive trigger. Pulling it down half way will make it fire semi-auto, and pulling it down the whole way will fire full auto. This is a very nice feature in my opinion because of two main reasons. These are that if you’re on semi and you suddenly find yourself needing to go full auto then you just pull the trigger down harder. Secondly if you’re a left handed person you may find it difficult to switch the selector on some guns. With this it doesn’t matter which hand you use. Also to be noted is the long inner barrel, second longest of any AEG (with the longest being the PSG 1).
Performance: The long inner barrel obviously makes this much stronger and more accurate than most other AEGs. Please note that I bought this gun pre-upgraded to 400 fps from UN Company ( So as far as performance this gun is great. The longer barrel gives it much longer range making this, not the G3 the perfect counter-sniper weapon. Also the bull-pup design makes it decent for CQB style games. You may have read that this is a great CQB gun but I think it is slightly too large, at 32 inches long. However this is the most accurate gun I have ever fired and the convenient scope mounts allow you to take advantage of this accuracy. With the 400 fps upgrade this easily goes through a soda can, both sides!
Conclusion: (All out of *****) Looks- **** (Style may not be accepted by all however finish is great) Features- *** (Pressure sensitive feature is nice however aftermarket parts list is short) Performance- ***** (Long barrel makes this strong and accurate) Overall- **** (Good gun if you don’t plan to do too many upgrades)

The length of the barrel

Easily accessible hop-up

High Quaility Foregrip