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Love For R.J
Love For R.J
Welcome to our photo album of our son R.J (Robert Junior) R.J was born with hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy, just a big wotd meaning brain damage due to lack of oxygen at birth. We wanted to share our wonderfull son with you because we feel that R.J is a great gift from God to teach us how precious life really is. With R.J every moment has to count and everyday must be lived to the fullest because he is specail he is mommy's little Angel and Daddy's little man as we like to call him. R.J's condition does not stop him from being a wondeful infant, babbling, smiling and following us with his eyes when he is in his chair are just some of the wonderful things he does. R.J's smile can lighten up the whole room and when you look into his eyes he has captured your heart for all you see is pure inocense and divine love. R.J along with our other 3 children is the best that could every happen to us. His brother Denis can't wait to teach him all that boy stuff, and his sister Autum and Elissa just want to hold him and feed him and change him. R.J has impacted our lives our hearts in a very different but warming way and if I could go back in time and change anything I wouldn't change a thing cause we are a family a perfect family. So thats a wrap enjoy the pic's of R.J our little blessing! Thanks Kalena (mom) Robert (senior Dad)
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R.J smiling
R.J smiling 
Look at that millon dollar smile
Other sites you can see R.J and our family on
R.Js other web page

Comments (2) | Add a Comment

rj dad loves you and will never give up on you. With all my prayers and love dad.
Robert | | May 30, 2005

R.J you are my life you are a Angel sent from god to show us all what life is really about and how fragile it can be. You are so strong my boy you have the hand of God on you
Love Mom
Mom to R.J | | May 30, 2005