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Fragrance Enhances Life...

Aromatherapy Defined:  

Webster defines Aromatherapy as a  massage of the body and especially of the face with a preparation of fragrant
essential oils extracted from herbs, flowers, and fruits.

(The use of oils are documented in hieroglyphics and there are 188 references to oils in he bible.  First recorded uses
of aromatherapy just after 3000B.C. in Egypt,  Mesopotamia,  and China.)

Aromatherapy  a not so new way  to stay healthy, fit and even improve your love/sex life.  This type of therapy uses
aroma from various plants, flowers and herbs for healing it works on many levels and can treat emotional as well as
physical problems.  The science of aromatherapy involves some chemistry, physiology, and even some psychology.  
When the scent (which carries small molecules of essential oils) which comes from the herb, flower or fruit travels up
your nasal passages (Olfactory), and delivered into your brain (Limbic System), then  absorbed into your bloodstream
where it is metabolized like other nutrients.  Holistic aromatherapy follows the principles of holistic medicine as it looks
closely at the whole person and takes into consideration the persons emotional self, lifestyle, thinking patterns, joys,
and stresses in an effort to heal the whole body so it does not get sick again.  A plants scent is produced by oils which
are produced by the plants gland.  These essential oils which are extracted from the plant using various methods which
is used in holistic aromatherapy.  If a plant has a scent it has essential oils.

Aroma Therapy works like this:  Once inhaled the nose gathers information from the aroma (that is released from the
plant, flower, or herb), and sends a report  to your brain, it bypasses your central nervous system, and the areas of
reasoning in the brain to the area called the limbic system (for processing).  The limbic system is where our basic
survival instincts are controlled.  Humans basic survival instincts are listed as;  Food, mate, alert to danger (It signals
the fight fight response that causes your adrenal glands to provide adrenaline so you can protect yourself.), recognize
territory,  few survival skills, and maintain the bodies equilibrium.  The limbic system also communicates with the
pituitary gland and the hypothalamus (which regulate many of the bodies involuntary  functions. Such as: appetite,
digestion, sexual arousal memory body temp heart beat.  The long-term memory section of the brain also benefits from
fragrances.  Certain scents make you think better and faster wile others work on our emotions like an antidepressant ,
stimulant or relaxant would.  Fragrances have been used also in treating emotional disorders;  Through smell
receptors to the olfactory bulb.  The receptors located in your nasal passageway are able to differentiate odor
molecules.  One way the receptors can identify the numerous types of molecules is  according to its shape (which
works as a fingerprint) each aromatic molecule is unique.  There are over 30,000 aromatic compounds identified.  
Some aromas may  improve quality of life in people who suffer from these disorders: Fatigue, headaches, food
cravings, depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, and irregular heart beats.  Holistic Aromatherapy can be defined as
simple natural remedies used to treat minor ailments and conditions such as;  A mild headache or sore throat to more
serious health problems such as cancer, and herpes.

This information is not a substitute for expert medical advice or treatment.  For more serious ailments and health
issues always make sure you consult your primary care physician.  Keep in mind when using a alternative health
practitioner he/she should all be in accordance with your regular physician and together they should come up with a
treatment plan, and  therapies that are right for you.  Don't take any chances with your health.