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Josh's Generation

My Generations

Hello, my name is Joshua Keener. I am 8 years old. I like to play football and soccer. And play games such as Harry Potter Quidditch. I met my mother, Doris, before I met my father, Kirk. Then I met I Aunt Carolyn, then my father! But my brother, Nieko, met our father before my father met my mother. I met most of my uncles after I met my Aunt Carolyn and being around her alot. Now I know my sister, Denisha, and my other brother, Marquis, and my aunts.I also have a dog named Hazel.She loves to play with us and be in the house. She likes to have a bath and hates to get a hair cut. And she likes Scooby Snacks!
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Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Cartoon Network
Street Fighter