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In Conclusion: Wal-Mart definitely uses all of its resources and rights to its full advantage. This includes the rights that our government allows in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Our government, and governments of other countries allows for large corporations to utilize their ability to buy and trade freely amongst each other with very little regulation. There will always be SOME RETAILER that will take advantage of these rights. As our research indicates, Wal-Mart is not the only retailer to buy products overseas for extremely cheap prices; however, it is not the fault of the global retailers, but is the incompetence of government authorities and the unwillingness of such authorities to start paying attention to the inhuman sweatshops around the world. These sweatshops are the result of government greed and the ability for people to look the other way, all for the sake of money and power. Our own government even admits to a link between labor rights and international trade. Such links can be found in a document(s) agreed upon between the United States and its trading partners, being the NAFTA, the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC), and the U.S. Jordan Free Trade Agreement (Jordan FTA). This document was the Bipartisan Trade Promotion Authority or TPA Authority that President George Bush signed on August 6th 2002, which establishes negotiating objectives for future free trade agreements, also includes labor rights provisions. But our government does not have any entity in place that would enforce these provisions. Hence, the incompetence and lack of caring. Wal-Mart is not the cause of the problem, but merely a product of the of governments on an international level that ignore this aspect of international trade. We foresee this problem will not get better, but will worsen if enforcements are not put into place. (;jsessionid=249236BBFE01D2EA5E6B483A2447F917.two?url=%2Fwcpa%2Fservlet%2FURLList%3Bjsessionid%3D249236BBFE01D2EA5E6B483A2447F917.two%3Furl%3D0&title=&linktype=digitalObject&detail=No+Symbol&sessionid=249236BBFE01D2EA5E6B483A2447F917.two&query=no%3A49334478&recno=1) This colossal store definitely helps most of us, if not all of us, save a lot of money. Wal-Mart is able to give us these low prices because they are go large and use their clout to buy cheap. How many of you will actually stop shopping at the retail stores mentioned in this presentation? Maybe that’s the problem with the world today. We are incrusted with too much apathy, which is a whole other project in itself. The next time you go to Wal-Mart and you’re looking to buy a vacuum cleaner, television, new jogging set, or even just a bunch of groceries; remember how it got there…