Soldiers of the Lesser God Discography

Release: Southern Discomfort

Released By: Fallout Records


1. Soldier Anthem

2. Far From Heaven, Far From Hell

3. Moonshiner's Deluxe

4. Superficial Sacrifice

5. Kingdom Come

6. Holocaust

7. Last Hanging in Texas

8. Black and White

Release: Rebel Yell (Single)

Released By: Fallout Records


1. Creep Stone Temple Pilots Cover

2. Halo Soil Cover

Release: Black Hearts

Released By: Fallout Records


1. Full Blown Assault

2. Scar Face

3. Reservoir Doggs

4. Into the Depression

5. Darkness Fades

6. Snake Bite

7. Reborn Rebel

8. Whatever Happened to Good Music

Release: Return From Exile

Released By: Fallout Records


1. Mystical Ride

2. Warlords

3. Eyes of The Prophet

4. Blood Bath

5. Storm in the Heartland

6. Thunderheart

7. Bodies in the Nile

8. Darkness Falls

Release: Seven Deadly Sins

Released By: Fallout Records


1. Boiled in Oil

2. The Freezing Depths

3. Broken on the Wheel

4. Dismembered Life

5. Food of the Freaks

6. Fire and Brimstone

7. Sins of our Fathers

8. The Snake Pits

Release:Black Zodiac

Released By: Progress Records


1. Contemplation of Aspyhixiation

2. Jeugos Mortales

3. Hell's Army

4. Dark Side of Life

5. Storm Warning

6. Novacaine

7. Masterminds

8. Survivors of the Fallout

Release: The Fallout Demo (Single)

Released By: Progress Records


1. Homegrown

2. Death of a Dream

SOTLG is not a real band, merely a band made for the sole purpose of a game. However, all names and images on this site are copyrighted and owned by Xtreme Entertainment. The name Fallout Records and the Fallout Logo are copyrights of Nick McCullen. The name Progress Records and the Progress Logo are copyrights of Travis Andreas.