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Our Blog of Everyday Life of Homeschooling
Sunday, 17 October 2004
Bainbridge Fall Festival of Leaves
Mood:  chillin'
Now Playing: We had a blast!
Yesterday, my mom came to visit and we (the girls and I and nana) went to Bainbridge Fall Festival of Leaves. It was a very very windy and cold day, but we had a nice time. There were vendors selling items such as candles, jewelery, those cute little turtles, apple butter (which I always get each year), and food of course! One of the most neatest things there was a couple from Lucasville had a tent set up and for only $1.00 you could go inside and see their animals. They had the following...a bear, a deer, a fox that was black and silver in color, a bengal tiger, a 1 yr old lion, a skunk, and an animal close to a kangaroo. The owners were very nice and answered a lot of our questions. I almost forgot, they had a huge turtle too. I'd like to take a homeschooling field trip to their house, but I do not know their name and their home is a little bit far for us. We also went to the Trading Post antique store right in Bainbridge. It was a very nice antique store with a lot of pretty (and expensive) furniture, but the girls were amazed to see what an old icebox used to look like and they liked the old toys and radios.

After the festival, we decided to take a ride over to an Amish bakery off of St. Rt. 41 South, but they were closed that day, we did get to see some younger amish kids riding their bikes though. So then we went to a place called Christmas at the Cabin, which is near 7 Caves. We found the quaint little cabin back in the woods, but we thought it was going to be bigger. They sell craft items such as blankets, ornaments, and a few other stuff. It was a cute cabin that was built by an old man that did not know how to read or write, but the owner of the cabin said that he really knew how to build them. It was built in 1936 and it has two bedrooms downstairs and a loft upstairs. I loved it! someday since my husband is a logger, he could build us a log cabin :)

Then we finally came back home and within about an hour we all devoured the pumpkin roll and pumpkin bread that I had bought at the festival from a friend of mine. It was YUMMIE!!! My neighbor then came and told us of an ice cream social that the Ymca was having so we rushed up there, and to our disappointment , it was over with but we went swimming for a couple of hours anyway, and then we went on the indoor walking track. Little Nathan ran it again about 3 times. He loves it lol. He also enjoyed the pool again. I dunked him twice and he got mad because of the water in his eyes, he wasn't afraid, just mad hahahahaha.

Overall, we had a really great day, but today I am exhausted! I am going to go and do my Sunday grocery shopping and then make us some homemade vegetable soup which I've been craving for a week now. I might even try to make some pumpkin bread ;)

I'm looking forward to this Wed., it's when the new episode of Ghost Hunters on the Sci Fi channel comes on.

Take care everyone!!

Just a comment before I forget......

Who would have thought that a festival would be a homeschooling field trip, they each learned about some different types of animals, history from the antique store, amish, and more! Then they had a gym class all in one day (and not to forget they socialized of course at the Ymca, so homeschoolers do get plenty of socialization!!). What lucky we are to be homeschoolers!!!

Posted by extreme4/wehomeschool at 9:34 AM EDT
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Thursday, 14 October 2004
A couple of Pics taken today
Mood:  not sure
I was experimenting with our webcam. Here are two pictures taken today. I'm still learning how to create this blog thing :)

Posted by extreme4/wehomeschool at 7:40 PM EDT
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Our first blog entry
Mood:  rushed
Now Playing: Busy Busy Busy
Hello! This is our first official BLOG entry!!! We are a family of six, four children, Kristen 14 1/2, Amanda 12 1/2, Logan 6, and Nathan 2. We have been homeschooling for over four years now and very proud to be homeschooling.

Here is a little about us. .....

Kristen is almost 15 years old and just itching to start driving. She is a wonderful daughter and brings alot of joy to our home. She is very caring, sweet, and shy at times. She enjoys MTV, reading, studying, art, singing, and she has just started schooling through Ohdela program. We are trying to give her time driving up and down our small driveway, she is so excited (but I'm not lol).

Amanda is almost officially a teen!! She is our very outgoing, active, not afraid of anything daughter. She is a wonderful daughter also and keeps us going!! Amanda loves to sing, study about Egypt, Ufo's and hauntings. She also loves anthing to do with Avril Lavigne. We got real lucky last year, Avril was at Florence mall at a free concert and I took her to see her. It was great. Both of our girls are starting to get involved with pen palling and swapping. It gives them both friendships and helps their writing and communication skills.

Logan is six years old now! He is a very sweet young boy. He has the most beautiful eyelashes, someday the girls will be all over him lol. He is pretty quiet around strangers (unlike Amanda), and he enjoys Spiderman, dressing up in costumes (right now he is dressed up as a suma wrestler, in a diaper and a suma wig hahhhaa), he loves hunting stuff just like his father, fishing, camping, and soon he will be in the Boy Scouts. Logan is also beginning reading and writing, and has learned to do so mostly on his own! We are so proud of him.

Little Nathan is 2 years old and such a little stinker. He is such a ham. He has the blondest hair out of all of our children. I hope it stays that color forever!! We get so many compliments on his blond hair. Nathan loves to climb, he loves to be with his mommy mostly, he adores his sister Amanda, and he loves to try to do anything his big brother does. Nathan is talking sentences, and he is even learning some of his sister's bad habits, like saying "shut up"!!

Charles, my dear husband and wonderful father...he's a hard worker, he usually works six days a week and is gone from 6 am until 8 pm every day. He is a tree logger/timber harvester and really enjoys his work. He went to Hocking College for timber harvesting. He enjoys hunting very very much, that's mostly what he talks about lol.

Tisha, yep, that's me.....well, I enjoy my children and my husband the most in life! I also just began pen pals (snail mail) and swapping. It's alot of fun. I also love going to our campsite that we share with my mom down on the Ohio River. My mom is my best friend in the whole world! I like to study about Ufology, cryptzoology, psychic stuff (my fav is Sylvia Browne), hauntings, and some day I would like to travel through the US Servas organization that a friend of mine through one of the homeschooling networks gave us the info from.

Well, for today, we are not doing too much of anything but going to the Ymca to go swimming because our local Ymca has a free week of admission and we will do this for a gym class. Mabey someday we can join the Y, but for now, we will take them up on this deal. This weekend might be busy, we are supposed to go to Bainbridge, a very beautiful place not too far from here, for their Fall Festival of Leaves with my mother. Then on Sunday evening, we are going to try to attend a haunted bus tour of Clermont County, hosted by Rick Crawford, the historian for the county. We really enjoy studying about hauntings and history. I have just recently started watching Ghost Hunters on the Sci Fi channel, everyone should watch it, it sends chills down my spine :)

I also enjoy spending time with my three nieces, they each have a special place in my heart and always will. They are in their teen years now too, which is very challenging for them and their mom. I know with some prayers they will all survive :)

I have go to for now, my daughters are pulling each other's hair, oh that sisterly love lol!!!!

Peace and love


Posted by extreme4/wehomeschool at 1:07 PM EDT
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