.::The Equestrian Dream::.

The first thing that you see on this page is the gorgeous picture to your right- of the mare and foal- now don't you have to agree with me? When a foal is born it is literally all legs. The legs are long when they are born, but their body will fill in and then the whole body will be balanced. Well, you are probably wondering why I am talking about this- just wait and see and I will tell you the reason...

I have been riding for over a year now- goodness, how it has been a great experience. I love learning new things at each and every lesson. Everyday I am constantly learning something new about horses- there is always something new to learn about them. I feel like I have been riding my whole life- my mother road in college at an Equestrian School for girls called "William Woods". You might have heard of it- anyways- my whole family loves God's amazing creature (the horse), and I am thankful for that and having them here to support me. Before I was totally into horses, I was a rising 7th grader in Middle School, I was trying to find out who I was and what special qualities I had. Then God brought a older lady named, Brenda, into my life (she went to the same church). She has two horses of her own and she introduced me to a young girl named, Marlette, and that was my very first instructor. I have been to three different riding places now and have had a magical experience with each one. They have taught me to be a better rider and horse-person/carer. My instructors now think that I am going to become a great equestrian. I ride english- Jumping and some Dressage- and this past summer I leased a Quarter Horse pony named "Maden China" or "China". I have thought about buying her but I am going to keep my options open. I got my full rush of inspiration at a major English Jumping show at the Biltamore Estates up at North Carolina. I instantly feel in love with all the action and beauty. There was over 2,000 horses there and it truly made my heart race. I was also able to be up front where some famous jumpers were- how exciting! From that day forward I knew that horses were going to be my true future career and passion. Everyone needs a special hobby to hold onto- especially when you feel that the world is against you. I feel that I have a connection with horses- they are my best friends and I respect them. I love the smell of the stable, the welcoming nickers that I get when I walk in, the smell of their fall, hay, leafy, breathe, and everything about riding- even when the going gets tough, it's all so worth it. I am sooo thankful God gave me this awesome passion and I hope that it will last forever and that someday I will be able to truly exeed in the "Horse World". And when you are just starting off and you feel that your legs are farther out then yourself- you will eventually catch up and find out who you are, and what you are all about. Keep on dreaming, working hard, and reaching out to your main goal in life. Yes, there are hard times, but it's thoughs times that make you a stronger person inside.

I hope you enjoyed my little bio of my love for horses. Yes, I did write it all by myself and it's the whole truth. I wish you all the best in life and God Bless you each and everyday and listen to your heart, for He will show you the way.


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