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Georgia State Flag


I'm sure most of you have heard about the big mess going on down in the great state of Georgia. Even if you are not from my great state or live here, you need to listen up. If this flag offends you: SHAME ON YOU! I read an article in the Atlanta Journal Constipation oops! I mean Constitution the other day and there was a Georgia citizen that excalimed that he felt our new 2003 flag and the old Georgia flag was nothing but a celebration of the past and only brought up old scares. Whatever! He felt like Roy Barnes' 2001 flag best suited everyones tastes. First of all on Roy Barnes' 2001 flag, the American Flag is located underneanth the Georgia flag. No other flag is to be held higher than the American Flag. Also, if people feel that the Georgia flag only brings up the past and we are supposed to focus on the future, then what is the American Flag? Next thing we know people will argue that we need to change the American Flag, beleive me it would not shock me one bit, they have already gotten God out of our schools why not the whole country? Dear God

Flags are meant to be symbolic, and the Georgia flag does NOT symbolize slavery. It is a reminder of the men that died during past wars not just the Civil War. The Georgia flag is carried by the Georgia National Guard over in Iraq right now. It is still carried into battle by troops today. In my opinion, "If you don't like it, Leave!".