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Hi There. This is where certain questions regarding Sly Cooper, or my interest in Sly Cooper, can be answered. These are potential questions set up to give the viewer a clearer understanding of who our raccoon friend is, what the game and story is about, and various other things. Read and learn thief in training. ;)

Q1: Who is Sly Cooper?

A: Sly Cooper is a raccoon thief who lives in a modern day furry world. He comes from a long line of 'Master Thieves', and learns many skills along the way to perfect his thieving techniques. The law is constantly after him, (especially Carmelita Fox), and he faces an angry gang of criminals known as 'The Fiendish Five'.

Q2: Who are Sly's Closest Friends?

A: Two guys he associated with ever since his days at an orphange. A nerdy but smart turtle named Bentley; and a fat but fast driving hippo named Murray. They have been Sly's closest friends and associates ever since they met. Sly also seems to have a friend/enemy relationship with the police inspector hounding him. Carmelita Fox is determined to put sly behind bars, but both share an ambivalent love/hate relationship with each other. Confrontations between these two makes for interesting dialogue.

Q3: Who are the Fiendish Five?

A: The Fiendish Five are an evil group of criminals responsible forSly's latest and greatest caper. They were the group responsible for Sly's father's death, and stealing and ripping the pages from Sly's most prized heirloom; 'The Thievius Raccoonus'. Sly later would meet each member and fight them. The group composed of Sir Raleigh the Frog (Head Mechanic), Muggshot the Dog (chief Enforcer, Mz. Ruby the Alligator (chief Psychic), The PAnda King (Ammunitions and Demolitions Expert, and ClockWerk the Owl(Leader of the Fiendish Five.)

Q4: What is the 'Thievius Raccoonus?

A: The Thievius Raccoonus is Sly's family Heirloom. It is a book containing all the valuable skills Sly's ancestors have elarned throughout the centuries. It dates way back. To the time of Ancient Egypt, to Feudal Japan, to the Old West, to contemporary times. Each was a Master Thief, giving off their own skills in this book as their recorded history. Whoever should read them shall learn and inherit their power. A treasured book sly was to recieve as a boy; before the Fiendish Five attacked and stole the prized heirloom.

Q5: Why is this game great?

A: Because it is not like any other I have played. Sly Cooper and the 'Thievius Raccoonus' is a short, but enjoyable game. It is absed solely off adventure, wit and charm. Sly's character is great all by itself. unlike other potential game mascots, Sly is in full character, and has the charisma and charm to actually be likeable. Many of the voices provided for the characters fit well, and provide for either hilarious or serious situations. Sly's adventures are also based in a wonderfully cel shaded 3-D world; full of traps, creatures, and bosses. New skills are learned and used. And each skill is totally unqiue in it's own right. There are also hidden surprises in the end. All inall, just a unique game. Great adventure, great voices, great graphics, great sound, great everything. It is especially a must have for the furry lover out there.

Q6: Who were your favorite Good Guys?

A: Definitely Sly and Carmelita. Sly's just one slick mutha'. ^^ He's got charm along with a cool collected attitude. He's got what it takes to be a true video game mascot. I also like Carmelita because she's cool too. i love the dialogue Sly and Carmelita share. Plus, I love lady foxes. And Carmelita is one sexy foxxie. ^__^

Q7: Who were your Favorite Villains?

A: I'd say the Panda King. Unlike the other members, the Panda King fights you manno e manno, with his own fighting tehcniques. i just look how he sounded and how he fought. The way he yells his attacks is pretty cool too. I also liked Muggshot because his stereotypical gangster voice cracked me up. X-D and the Boss Battle with Mz. Ruby was VERY fun.

Q8: Who did you Dislike the Most?

A: Probably Murray. Something about a fat pink hippo that creeps me out. I can't say I don't like Bentley; he's just a bit too wishy washy for Sly to hang out with. I do amdit tho', I love the dialogue between Bentley and Sly. And the way Murray screams is hilarious. ^^

Q9: What were your Favorite Levels?

A: Inside Clockwerk's fortress were some cool levels. Bentley's cyber hacking game and the obstacles courses were pretty fun to go through. I also like any level where Carmelita chases Sly. You hear funny and charming dialogue from both of them.

Q10: What were your Favorite Techniques?

A: Definitely the Ninja Spire. I would be nowhere without it. I also like the ability to defi gravity, as it is useful in avoiding pitfalls. turning invisible is also handy when getting past sensors.

Q11: Would you recommend this game to a friend?

A: Yes! if they love game swith charm and action mixed in with humor and wit, then this is the game for them. however, if they demand longer and more mature games, perhaps they should find another. other than that, I HIGHLY recommend it.

Q12: What was your Favorite Hidden Extra?

A: The Japanese Animated intro. Wait after the credits, and Bentley shows you a Japanese anime reindition of the beginning ofSly Cooper. Excellent animation, and Sly and the others looked much better than in the cel shaded version. I do admit though, I liked Carmelita's cel shaded version better. She had a shorter nose; and she's cuter that way. ^^

Q13: What games are you into?

A: Mostly adventure and RPG. Final Fantasy has always been a top favorite of mine; as is the CastleVania series. I also enjoy Metal Gear Solid. (which is what Sly is kinda like.) I enjoy furry games like Crash Bandicoot as well. Fighting Games like Street Fighter and Guilty Gear are top choices also. Oh heck...I like almost any kind of game. ^^

Q14: Do you hope the Devlopers make a sequel to 'Sly Cooper'?

A: Definitely Yes!! in fact, they recently had a contest searching for new characters for the next game. I entered mine in, but i probably won't win. =p But whatever amkes it in is fine by me. As long as a sequel is made!!

Q15: If there is a sequel; what do you hope will be in there that was not in the original?

A: If they find a way to make it more original than the first one, then they will definitely create a masterpiece. I'm hoping for a longer game and tougher challenges. More interesting characters, and maybe a true showing of Carmelita and Sly's relationship. ;) These two go well together. And catchier music would be nice too.

Q16: Do you hope that Sly Fandom will grow in the next years?

A: Why else did I make this site? X-D Of course I do. Already many people are drawing Sly fan art, and creating Sly fan fiction. the more I see of it, the more popular Sly may become. I hope Sly fandom grows higher in the next few years. it would be interesting to see how people draw and write about our little devious raccoon thief. :-)

Q17: Are you creating any Sly Fandom yourself?

A: Yes! I am creating a lot of fan art, and even writing a few stories. One story stars Sly as he normally is. The other is a hihgly complex and serious story. One that is so influenced from anime and other games. And i am creating a whole list of fan characters for Sly and everybody else. There's so much to work on, and so much more stuff I am willing to try out. I certinaly hope Fandom grows; then I cna associate with Sly fans who share similar interests.

Q18: Are you a 'Furry Fan?

A: Yep, and I'm glad too. ^^ There's so much you can do with furries almost as much as you can do with humans. Like real animals, they posess more charm, character, and sometimes even power than a human can. They're alsop a lot more fun to draw and write about. And lastly, many of the furry girls are too damn cute. Particuarlly the foxes. ^^

Q19: What makes you more interested in 'Sly Cooper' than most other furry games?

A: Sly's got alotta charm, charisma and character. He truly is a furry. And Carmelita is a sexy furry. ^^ Also, amny of the other characters are furry as well; living in a modern world where Furry is far more prominent. I like it better than msot furry games because there's so much to work with, and the characters are more fully intact than with msot other furry games.

Q20: Last Question. Can you relate to Sly?

A: Sadly, no. <=/ He's got more character than me, and he's got more charm. He knows how to get the ladies and has more confidence and skills. Plus, he and Carmelita share a thing. so Sly also probably will get the lovely Carmelita. however, there is one thing i cna relate to about Sly. if someone pisses me off, no doubt, I will be back for revenge...someday. >=)

And that's all she wrote folks. There you have it; a full on Sly FAQs questions and my interest in it. visit my other FAQs on the site too. You may learn more valuable info from it than here.