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Hello and welcome to my sims 2 sight where i will explain to you exactly how great this game will be. The release date is sometime in early 2004 just in case you are wondering. LIFECYCLE:The stages of the sim lifecycle have a dramatic effect on the game. The baby (over which you have no control) is succeeded by toddler, child, teenager, adult and senior citizen. This final phase forever though. Soon your sim ends in a shapely urn which surviving relatives can display on the mantelpiece. Each phase lasts only a limited number of game hours and the design team is currently deciding exactly how many should be allocated to each. "The Sims are a tuning challenge of epic proportions and we're putting an enormous amount of time into fine-tuning the gameplay," says Maxis's creative director and The Sims 2 Project Leader, Charles London. The toddler period wiIl be relatively short, while the eventful adult years with career and family will last the longest. The rate at which the sims' needs must be satisfied will change with age. Senior citizens, for instance, need less sleep, but more comfort. Teenagers suffer violent mood swings, need social contact and are constantly hungry. GRAPHICS:They started by giving the graphics of the sims a complete overhaul. When they made the decision to push The Sims 2 forward into a fully 3D environment, they knew they'd be judged against the other top-flight real-time games out there. Bringing the sims themselves to that level of richness meant driving their complexity beyond the bar set by our competition. In The Sims 2, sims will have a much more-complex skeleton that permits a new level of realistic motion. The old paddle hands have been replaced with articulated fingers, and the rigidity of their faces has been replaced with a capability for animated and communicative expression. Their hair now moves as a result of their motion or the wind, and even their clothing can move independently of their bodies. The sims' skin tones have been improved with regard to color richness and material feel, and the clothing they wear has been enhanced with reflection, shininess, and bump maps. Little details are the key to delivering on a goal of richness. We looked for every opportunity to incorporate these details, including actual teeth, variable eye colors, blinking eyelids, and accessories such as jewelry and eyeglasses. GENETICS:In the Sims 2 you have genetics, so traits are passed on from one generation of Sims to another. So genetic factors are things like hair colour, eye colour. You can give people different hairstyles, or you can go deeper. We have different nationalities that you can blend, or you can just select an archetype Sim and not mess with it. But you can take it even further - maybe you don't like your model's nose, you can take that nose and change it. Or you can add more subtle changes, like the way someone's eyebrows arch. You can up them, tilt them down a little, you can lower lip thickness; you have a lot of control. LIFESCORE:Sims have different life-scores where you have Marty, say, and his brother Bernie who I really didn't pay that much attention to, so he has a low life-score, sits around a lot, not very active. Whereas Marty I paid more attention to when he was a child; I made sure he was able to walk, potty-trained him, worked him through the different life moments, so his life-score's much higher. So if I take Marty, he has a charm interaction 'cause he's a high life-score Sim. You can match them up with these two girls at a party who also both have high life-scores, so they're more attracted to Marty - he's kind of a player. So Marty's chatting to the girls, having a fine old time, while Bernie's over here on the couch, eating pizza. JOBS:The new parts are that having elders and teens, they both get jobs. So having an elder is a bonus actually, because they're bringing in a pension usually, so they can take care of house chores, watch the children, and still bring in money. There's advantages and disadvantages; it just adds that much more gameplay. Of coarse adults can still have jobs too. CONCLUSION: The Sims 2 will let you build much larger and more-detailed houses than the original game; houses with curved architecture and three or four stories, if you prefer. In social situations in The Sims 2, sims will progressively unlock more in-depth social activities the longer they interact with each other, so that sims that are dating may begin by simply flirting with each other, but may eventually end up performing steamy synchronized swimming parodies in a hot tub. Sims won't just experience permanent changes physically; apparently, your sims will also have memories that will affect their behavior, especially when those memories date back to their childhoods. If child sims burn themselves in the kitchen while fooling around with the oven, the trauma might affect them to the extent that, as adults, they'll avoid getting anywhere near an oven entirely. THOUGHT OF THE DAY: Today i have added a new picture and the game just looks cooler by the day. thanx for visiting my page, im sorry about the changes but i deleted it for some stupid reason.
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