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{ -<Ian's Hideout>- }


Welcome to a secret room beneath the abbey, smashed somewhere inbetween all the labs and training rooms. This is where the Deomolition Boys chill... or it was, until their shortest member did some redecorating. Now he uses it for his own purposes, whatever they may be...

WARNING: Contains top-secret information
No one is supposed to see this


Evil Plans

To-Do List

Buy sticky notes
Redecorate hideout
Take Tala's disco suit
Attach laser beam shooter to helicopter
Blow up one of the toilets in the abbey
Steal supplies from lab
Convince people in other countries that they can fly
Create more pop-up ads and spam the internet
Poison all export bottles of Vodka
Sneak into Iraq and steal nuclear weapons
Bomb trains in Madrid, Spain (again)
Launch missiles at the United States White House
Take control of Al-Qaeda
Set fire to world's oceans


Plans for World Domination

World Map

