:+: Trish Stratus :+:
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..::///"Miss Beautiful" Sunny\\\::..
Team Angle
..::///"The Best There Is" Sunny\\\::..

** A Voice comes over the PA as begins to speak to everyone. **

|**Tonight is the night when PWA welcomes a NEW Diva. Everyone backstage and every single fan is wondering who the New Diva is. The people who know is Team Angle. The only information we know is that She is joining Team Angle and she had a short run in the Now WWE. Will she become Women's Champion or will she fail. The only thing we might know in the future, is WE KNOW WE WANT HER!!**|

** Just then "I KNOW YOU WANT ME!!" blast over the PA System. The fans begins to stand as they recongize the song. Sunny appears on the ramp. She waves to her fans as they give her a standing ovation. She begins to cry from hearing all the cheers. She slides in the ring and listens to all the fans cheering for her. Lilian Gracia hands her a mic and Sunny raises it to her mouth and begins to speak. **