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Everythings Just Fucking Peachy

So its been awhile since my last update, I wish it would be a little happier then that last...but its not

I wish i could say im in a good mood......but im not.Its ok thought, being depressed isn't bad from time to time, cuz you get to think about what made you happy in the first place.....and what makes you sad now.

But even while being depressed, I still look toward the bright sides....especialy toward thoses things that truely make me happy and toward things im looking forward to.

So for now.....what can i do?.....simply put; I deal. I deal with my sorrows, I deal with my depression...I just simply deal with it and live everyday the best I can. I know it will get better and its not something that needs to be worried about, so thiers no need to start jumping to conclusions about causes and such.....this happens to me from time to time so im used to it.

I just want to say hi to my sweetheart Sebnem, I miss you very much honey.....and of course, love you dearly!!!!!!! I cant wait to hear from you again, hope it will be soon....take care cutie!

With that siad, im outtie......ill update again...sometime!
