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Trinity Maxwell

Fear is the Mind-Killer. You must never let fear grab hold of you.

Trinity: She is of light build, thin, a bit on the sickly side. Her hands are thin and pale, like cream. Her eyes are a slate grey, like tarnished silver, that reflect nothing. Trinity sports two tatoos, one, a silver mark under her right eye, the other, a black eagle crawling the length of her left shoulder. Her hair is a light blue, cut shaggily round her face. Outfit: Trinity wears a flowing cloak, made of some strange animal hide,soft and durable. A onyx brooch clasps it shut. Underneath she wears a thin white tunic, and tight brown leggings. Her boots look four sizes too big and are made of leather. Weapon: Her weapon is a small thin sword, resembling a needle. It is made of mithril and has no hilt. It is rather bland save strange writing up it's side. It rests in a scabbard underneath her cloak. Abilities: Limited Power of Wind and Storms. Able To Summon Creatures of the Air. Limited Invisibility. Levitation. History: Trinity is the sole remnant of The Spider Clan, a group known for its' fine weaving of silk and tales. Her father, dead, was a human who captured a wind spirit and raped her, producing Trinity. The wind spirit forced Trinity to hold her fathers name and cast her out of the City of Spirits. She found herself in Nogorobi with no name and no identity to speak of. Trinity was discovered in a alley, sleeping with birds, by Cel McGiaver. He took her into the famous Spider Clan and taught her the art of weaving, which she caught onto quickly. Soon, Trinity was producing tapestries that rivaled even those of the eldest of the Spider Clan. She lived a happy life till a powerful councilman saw Trinity summoning wind to help fly a kite. He told the town the Spider Clan were devils and should be destroyed. He sent the Town Guard to lock the clan in then burn them to death. They did just that. All died save Trinity, who had been out gathering flax and berries for dye and such. Seeing the mayhem, she fled. Trinity runs still, trying to escape her past.

Pics (More Soon)

Young Trinity
