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Steven's Everything Page

Paintball, Pennywise, Downloads, Chat! This Site Has Everything! My Everything Site
Filled With Cool Things

Flash hates me. I give up after only 2 hours. But I am going to update the site. Ill give it a complete redo. Amazingly enough ive decided im gonna go flash on this sites ass. I don't have flash at home but i can work on it at school and at a friend's. It'll probly be a while though. I'll put something up in here later to give all y'all a time frame for when im gonna finish it. Welcome to my site. I'm gonna put all kinds of stuff that i like in it. Eventually my friend is gonna put up a section on the site but for now it's just what ive put on. Please check out everything.

If you find any broken links or if you have any questions, please let me know at

Don't blame me if this site looks crappy. I coded this site all by hand (except for this page). They may look plain but i'd like to see if you could make all of this in plain HTML and make it work. Im working on making some backgrounds that will look cool. But till then plz juss put up with whats here.

NES Emulator and 68 games for it. Not all games work properly but it comes out to about 60 fully working games.

Due to copyright laws, if you do not own the games included in this package, you must remove them from your system.

Download the emulator and 68 games! This download is about 8 MB. So please be patient, it will take a while on slower connections.

Included in the package is a Readme detailing all of the included games. You may want to read it first just to see what you're getting.