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Mike Clouds & Tim Merchant

[The camera moves around through the sold out crowd of the OCW show of the Super J Tournament. Fans are screaming and jumping up and down. Finally the camera comes to rest on Mike Clouds and Tim Merchant.]

Clouds: Good evening folks, welcome to Outlaw's special addition of the first night of the Super J Tournament! I am Mike Clouds and beside me is Tim Merchant.

Merchant: Thank you for the introduction, Mike. Folks we have an exciting night for you tonight. We have eight matches of high octane excitement.

Clouds: That's true. Two hours of spectacular showmanship. Sixteen wrestlers are competing in this tournament and those who win here tonight will advance to the finals in Japan in a couple days.

Merchant: And out of the those sixteen, six of them are OCW's own. Yay! OCW!

Clouds: It's true and we have all of Texas here tonight cheering them on. We are coming at you live from the Astrodome in Houston, Texas.

Merchant: Yeah, they all said "Screw the rodeo, let's go to the Astrodome and see some wrestling!"

Clouds: You're a biased man, aren't you, Tim?

Merchant: Not at all. Why do you say that?

Clouds: Nevermind, let's just get to the matches.

[Group A]

Match One

Matt Saunders -vs- Darkest Dark

Sally Turnbuckle: Introducing the first wrestler of the night in the Super J Tourney Night One, match one.... Maaaatt Sauuuunnnddeeerrrsss

[The lights in the arena dim down to black.]

[Face Pop.]

[On the big screen we watch as a lightning bolt comes toward us, before exploding and revealing the word SHOWTIME on the screen in hot white print.]

[The bass begins to fill the arena.]

#Word up son... WORD!

[The beat begins to thump a bit, as we wait for the next line.]

#YA, to all the killa's and the hundred dollar billa's..


#Fa real Nigga's who ain't got no feelin's...


#Check it out now.

[Out he comes from the back in his trade mark dark blue robe and matching pants. We can see the white letters on both sides of his legs that read Showtime. He stands there on top of the ramp, breathing in the experience of the music, and the fans who have risen to their feet.]

[The fans explode with a huge face pop as Saunders raises his head and begins to nod it to the words.]

#I got you stuck off the realness, we be the infamous
#We be the infamous, ya heard of us...offical queensbridge murdera's
#The mobb comes equipped for warfare..
#beware of my crime family with nuff shots to share
#For all those, who wanna profile and pose
#Rock you in the face, stab your brain wit ya nose bone.

[Pop to that.]

#You all alone in the streets cousin
#Every mean for they self in this land we be gunnin'
#And keep them shook crews runnin' like they supposed too
#They come around but they never come close too
#I can see it inside your face, your in the wrong place
#Cowards like you just get they whole body laced up!
#With bulletholes n such...
#Speak the wrong words man and you will get touched.

[Saunders makes a little gesture to his towards the ring of death by pullin' a trigger. He continues to nod his head to the beat.]

#You can put ya whole army, against my team and..
# I guarantee you it'll be your very last time breathin'

[He stands at the bottom of the ramp, glaring into the ring. He slides underneath to a pop from the crowd.]

#Your simple words just don't move me, ya minor, we major
# You're all up in the game and don't deserve to be a playa
#Your crew is featherweight, my gunshots will make you levitate
#I'm only 19 but my mind is old
#and when things get for real my warm heart turns cold.
#Enough nigga's deceased, another story is told (It ain't nuttin really)
# Aiyo dun, spark the philly.

Sally Turnbuckle: And introducing his opponent.... He is Darkest Dark!

[The two men lock up, Saunders drops down and goes behind Dark and takes him down with a waistlock carryover. Dark begins to squirm and
fight out of it, but Saunders is able to take him down with a german suplex. Saunders goes to the ground and locks on a full nelson. It doesn’t look like
he has his fingers completely locked though. He tries to lift the prone Dark to his feet, while holding this position. There is resistance, but Saunders
lunges backwards and delivers a dragon suplex.]

Clouds: Saunders showing quick thinking.

Merchant: Wait, Dark is back up and taking control.

[ Dark has Saunders in the corner and catches him with a thumb to the eye. He nails Saunders with a right hand and then backs him into the ropes. Dark catches Saunders with a quick knee to the midsection and then whips him across the ring. He goes for a clothesline. Saunders ducks the clothesline and comes off the ropes looking for a bicycle kick. Dark catches Saunders foot but Saunders leaps up and connects with an enziguri. Dark crashes into the mat hard but immediately gets to his knees. Saunders grabs his head but Dark fires back with a blow to Saunders midssection. He gets to his feet and forces Saunders back into the corner. Dark nails Saunders with a chop but Saunders reverses Dark into the corner and nails a series of chops of his own.]

[ Dark reverses Saunders back in the corner and nails chops of his own and then begins repeatedly kicking Saunders in the midsection until Saunders falls in the corner. Dark pulls Saunders to his feet and goes for a short arm clothesline. Saunders ducks it, grabs the back of Dark's head and slams him down to the mat. He quickly locks Dark in a dragon sleeper. Dark struggles to get free but soon starts to fade as Saunders gets to his feet. He turns Dark around and nails a roll of the dice neckbreaker then covers Dark for a pin attempt. The referee counts...]




[ Dark kicks out an the rakes the eyes Saunders. Saunders stumbles around and walks right into a DDT from Dark. Dark covers Saunders as the ref drops to make the count....]




Clouds: Saunders kicked out after a two count!

Merchant: There is a lot of back and forth action in this match.

[ Dark gets up and begins stomping away on Saunders. He begins to drop elbow after elbow on Saunders but on the final elbow Saunders rolls out of the way. Saunders gets to his knees and starts to fire back with punches of his own and then catches him with an elbow and then nails Dark with spike DDT and goes for a cover....]




Clouds: Dark kicks out!

[ Saunders gets up and backs to the ropes. He charges at Dark as he gets up but Dark catches Saunders with a flapjack and goes to the top rope. Saunders manages to get to his feet and climbs the ropes with Dark and takes him over with a superplex. Saunders kips up and quickly goes to the to second rope. Saunders leaps off and nails Dark in the chest with a corkscrew elbow drop. Saunders goes for the pin. The referee counts...]




[Dark gets his foot on the ropes. Saunders slowly pulls Dark to his feet. He goes to whip Dark into the ropes, but Dark revereses it and goes for a clothesline. Saunders ducks the clothesline and both men collide when Saunders comes off the ropes. They both find themselves down on the mat. Dark gets up first and heads t the top rope. He leaps off going for a clothesline but Saunders counters it nailing Dark with a big spinning spinebuster sand goes for the pin. The referee counts...]

Merchant: I think this is it!






Sally Turnbuckle: And your winner of the first match.... MAAATTTT SSSAAUUNNNDDDEERRRSSS!!!

Match Two

Jaysen Taylor -vs- Wizard

Sally Turnbuckle:: The following match is scheduled for one fall and it is a grudge match! Introducing first...Weighing in at 219 lbs. and hailing from Roseville, Michigan. He is a former two-time BWA Cajun lightweight champion, a former BWA Ironman champion, a former BWA tag team champion, and the first and former BWA Cajun Television champion, and is a former WWA Double Crown Champion! Here is “THE WIZARD” BRYAN SMITH!!!!


"His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti
He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready
To drop bombs, but he keeps on forgettin
What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud
He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out
He's chokin, how everybody's jokin now
The clock's run out, time's up over, bloah!
Snap back to reality, Oh there goes gravity
Oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked
He's so mad, but he won't give up that
Is he? No
He won't have it, he knows his whole back city's ropes
It don't matter, he's dope
He knows that, but he's broke
He's so stacked that he knows
When he goes back to his mobile home, that's when it's
Back to the lab again yo
This whole rap shit
He better go capture this moment and hope it don't pass him"

[Now emerging from the curtain is "The Wizard" Bryan Smith. Smith, he is wearing a pair of baggy blue jean pants, and has no shirt on. His tattoos are showing, along with his ripped body.]

**No more games, I'ma change what you call rage
Tear this mothafuckin roof off like 2 dogs caged
I was playin in the beginnin, the mood all changed
I been chewed up and spit out and booed off stage
But I kept rhymin and stepwritin the next cypher
Best believe somebody's payin the pied piper
All the pain inside amplified by the fact
That I can't get by with my 9 to 5
And I can't provide the right type of life for my family
Cuz man, these goddam food stamps don't buy diapers
And it's no movie, there's no Mekhi Phifer, this is my life
And these times are so hard and it's getting even harder
Tryin to feed and water my seed, plus
See dishonor caught up bein a father and a prima donna
Baby mama drama's screamin on and
Too much for me to wanna
Stay in one spot, another jam or not
Has gotten me to the point, I'm like a snail
I've got to formulate a plot fore I end up in jail or shot
Success is my only mothafuckin option, failure's not
Mom, I love you, but this trail has got to go
I cannot grow old in Salem's lot
So here I go is my shot.
Feet fail me not cuz maybe the only opportunity that I got**

[He gets into the ring, and holds one arm up in the air.]

Sally Turnbuckle: Ladies and Gentlemen... From Edmonton Alberta... CANADA..!

[Heart full of black by the Burning Brides begins to play softly in the background.]

Sally Turnbuckle: He weighs in at 98 kg, and stands a full One hundred and Eighty-Eight Cm... He represents the Burning Phoenix organization..!

[A slight chorus of Boo's from the crowd.]

Sally Turnbuckle: Please welcome to the ring... JOHNNY... RRRRRRRRRR ROTTEN..!

[Wearing his black cargo pants, and a Ramones T-shirt, Johnny Rotten walks out as a virtual unknown and recieves almost no response from the capacity crowd. Jeff Fox appears a few steps behind Rotten and accompanies him down to ringside. Stepping up on the ring apron, Johnny climbs the outside of the turnbuckles and non-chalantly jumps into the ring awaiting his opponent.]

Merchant: Someone ring the bell!

[The ref calls for the bell as the two wrestlers go at it. They lock up in the center of the ring and fight for an advantage. Wizard's strength is too much and he whips Taylor into the corner. Taylor slams into the corner and drops down onto his rear end, grimacing in pain. Wizard just stands there glaring at him. Taylor starts to get to his feet by is meet with a baseball slide to the leg by Wizaed. Wiazrd gets to his feet and grabs Taylor by the tights and hoists him up to his feet. Wizard then sets up a DDT but is countered by an over the head suplex from Taylor. Taylor then drops an elbow into the right leg of Wizard. Taylor then runs into the ropes as Wizard is getting up, as Taylor comes off the ropes he nails Wizard in the right leg with a drop kick. Wizard grabs his leg and goes down. Taylor rolls up and drops an elbow to the head of Wizard. Taylor rolls up and grabs the legs of Wizard.]

Merchant: Damn that Taylor is quick. It looks like he is going for a figure four leg lock…

Clouds: If he hooks this on, it could be all over for Wizard.

Merchant: YEAH! A boot to the butt sends Taylor off of Wizard. Nice move Wizard.

Clouds: Wizard is up but looks a little shaky on that leg.

[Wizard gets up and hobbles on his right leg, testing it. Taylor turns and comes back with a spin kick that is caught by Wizard. Wizard hits Taylor with a leg drag that almost sends him out of the ring. Taylor gets up slowly as Wizard follows up with a double ax handle to the back of his head. Wizard grabs Taylor by the hair and pulls him up. He then grabs Taylor by the neck and lifts him into the air, holding him for a second before choke slamming him back down. Wizard then lays into Taylor with a series of boots to the ribs. Wizard reaches down and pulls Taylor up by his hair again, this time the ref is warning him of the hair pulling. He pulls Taylor into the start of a belly to belly suplex but Taylor counters by head butting Wizard in the mouth, Taylor then hits Wizard with a belly to belly suplex of his own.]

Merchant: Smart move by Taylor… Wizard had better be careful about Taylor's speed.

Clouds: I thought that you wanted Wizard to win?

Merchant: Shut your pie hole…

[Commercial Break]

Clouds: And we are back from commercial. Still plenty of action going on here.

[Taylor drops a leg across the chest of Wizard while he is down and then gets to his feet and starts to climb the ropes. Taylor gets to the top rope and turns to find Wizard on his feet. Taylor vaults into the air with a cross body block but Wizard catches him in the air. Wizard turns around so the crowd can see Taylor squirming to get free, and then delivers a fall away slam. Wizard gets up and locks Taylor into a sleeper hold, Taylor flails his arms wildly as he tries to pull himself to the ropes. The ref is right there asking Taylor if he would like to give up. He raises Taylor's hand and drops it, Taylor swing his arm back and catches Wizard in the ribs with an elbow that causes Wizard to break the hold. Taylor sprints into the ropes and shoulder butts Wizard with no effect. He does it again with no effect. Taylor goes once more and is caught with a boot to the face that almost tears his head off. Wizard wastes no time and grabs him up and scoop slams him. Wizard once again wastes no time and pulls Taylor up and pump handle slams him down. Wizard goes for the pin.]



Merchant: Kick out by Taylor!

[Wizard gets back to his feet and meets Taylor as he is standing up with a gutwrench power bomb. Wizard then stops and looks at the crowd…]

Clouds: It looks like he is going for some kind of powerbomb… He grabs Taylor and...

Merchant: Holy SHIT! Taylor reversed it with a hurricanranna into a roll up pin.

[The ref is there with the count...]




Clouds: Taylor with the quick reversal and pin on Wizard.

Merchant: For a rookie that kid used is brains and won!

Sally Turnbuckle: The winner of the second match and advancing to Japan.... JASSSONN TAAAAYYYLLLOOORRRR AKA JOOOOHNNNYYY RRROOOTTTEENNN!!!

[Group B]

Match Three

Misty Xiao -vs- The Masked Mexican

Sally Turnbuckle: First making his was to the ring and introducing... The Masked Mexican!

[The masked Mexican steps out from the entrance and runs to the ring sliding in under the bottom rope and waits in his corner.]

Merchant: Here comes the masked punta.

Clouds: TIM! That was disrespectful!

Merchant: What? They call themselves that all the time.

Clouds: Yeah, they do, but NOT you!

Merchant: Yeah, yeah... I want to see Misty kick his ass.

Sally Turnbuckle: And now introducing "The Red Angel" herself and the only female member of the illustrious Syndicate of Evil.... MISTY XIAO!

Clouds: Wait a minute. I am getting word from the back that Ms. Xiao is not here.

Merchant: What?!?

Clouds: Yeah, that is what they are saying. Maybe the Syndicate had a problem with their carrier and can't make it to port.

Merchant: Well, Sally... go ahead and make it official.

[Sally Starts the count out to the many boo's of the crowd.]











Sally Turnbuckle: The official ruling of this match is in favor of The Masked Mexican as a result of count out!

Match Four

Azrael -vs- Jimmy Guest

Sally Turnbuckle: Coming to the ring at this time is the lucadore known as AZRAEEEELLLL!

["Suffer" by Staind erupts from the PA system as Azrael walks from the back through a thick haze of blue tinted smoke, his eyes scanning the crowd, searching the faces of the people for their reactions.]

The more you see the more you do

The television’s feeding you

Write what you want to hear, anger and fear

because you suffer the hate you feel won’t go away

you’re all programmed to feel this way to live

another day within a world that loves to suffer

[Azrael is clad in blue and black full body wrestling gear with blue and black boots with his long white hair hanging halfway down his back, streaked with bright blue highlights. The blue and white strobe lights mixing with the thick blue and gray fog rolling down the ramp combine to form an illusion much like the ocean before a storm with Azrael blending right in. The flash of cameras as he walks down the aisle illuminate the bright blue eyes amid the sea of scars, eyes which are focused and full of intensity as they lock upon the ring. For the few fans who reach out to him, Azrael moves closer to the sides, slapping hands with them as he continues on down to the ring.]

And then I come to find everything’s O.K.

seen this all before but that was yesterday

try to walk right through the messes that I’ve made

Just let me enjoy the life here that I’ve made.

[Once he gets down to the ring, Azrael, leaps up onto the ring apron and summersaults over the top rope to stand inside the ring, raises his arms in the air as he turns to each side of the ring to acknowledge the fans as the last notes of his music fade away]

Merchant: Here comes Jimmy in a full sprint down to the ring. He slides under the ropes and the match has started!

[Jimmy rushes Azrael in the early going and begins to pummel him with right hands into the corner. Azrael's in a bit of a daze, and Jimmy steps back to showboat and goes to pelt Azrael. Azrael grabs Jimmy though and turns him into the corner. Headbutts by Azrael, and he picks up Jimmy by the hair and leads him to the turnbuckle where he slams Jimmy's head into it. Jimmy stumbles, and Azrael picks him back up and delivers a knee to the back.]

Clouds: Jimmy didn't waste any time going after Azrael.

Merchant: Yes, but Az sure the hell turned it around pretty quick and you don't want to let Az turn it to his favor.

[Jimmy arches after that nifty knee, and Azrael drops him with an inverted DDT. Azrael gets right up and rolls out of the ring. He's out here by us at ringside Jimmy is up though, and this determined youngster plows into Azrael with a forearm. Azrael drops to a knee on the apron, and Jimmy steps out there along side. He's got Azrael's arm over his shoulder. Azrael kips up and reverses it.]

Merchant: Belly-to-back suplex from the ring apron to our Japanese announce table!!! That was brutal! We've already got rubble here, and Azrael gets back up.

[Azrael is pulling the padding off the concrete and he pulls Jimmy up from the broken table.]

Clouds: Piledriver on the concrete!

[Azrael rolls Jimmy into the ring he climbs the top turnbuckle as Jimmy gets up. Jimmy attempts a short arm clothesline as Azreal comes flying down, but Azrael lands and ducks underneath and counters with a full-nelson slam.]

Clouds: Azrael is quick on his feet, I'll give him that.

Merchant: Yeah, he might do alright.

[Jimmy is getting up, and Azrael gives him a stomp to the midsection that doubles him over. Jimmy up and pushes Azrael back into the ropes and attempts an Irish Whip, but Azrael holds onto the ropes with one hand. Jimmy looks up and goes wide eye as Azrael slaps him in the face.]

Clouds: SWEET JESUS! Talk about humiliation here.

Mercahnt: This crowd is loving it!

[Azrael knocks Jimmy down and stomps him in the midsection followed through with a hard elbow drop. Jimmy is rolling around on the mat in pain. Azrael is now sitting on top of turnbuckle.]

Clouds: Guillotine legdrop!

[Jimmy gets up wearily and goes for the Irish Whip. Azrael reverses it though, and Jimmy runs sternum first into the turnbuckle. Azrael follows it right up with a charging clothesline to the back of the head and Jimmy slams right back into the turnbuckle. Jimmy has got determination on his side, but he is taking his time, and he picks up and attempts for a whip to the ropes. Azrael reverses, and he delivers a guillotine drop across the ropes onto Jimmy!]

Merchant: Both men are down, and this has been a tremendous match-up. They're slowly getting up, and Azrael is up first and he's yelling at Jimmy to get up.

Clouds: You have to admire Azrael, he's always getting back on his feet and he's made his mark here in the alliance.

[Jimmy takes a shot at Azrael, but Azrael delivers a haymaker that could take your head off. Jimmy is now tied up in the ropes now and he's defenseless. Azrael is staring at him, and he slides out of the ring to pick up chair. Azrael's got the chair and he's holding it like a battering ram now and looks to the crowd.]

Clouds: OH MY GOD!!! DON'T DO IT AZ!

Merchant: Wait, he's dropping the chair.

[Azrael wrenches the dazed Jimmy from the ropes and performs a drop toe hold onto the chair. Jimmy is down and doesn't appear to be moving. Azrael picks him up again and this time drags him to the ropes.]


Clouds: The ref is counting and the crowd is on the edge of their seats!






Sally Turnbuckle: The winner via pinfall... AZZZZREAAALLLL!

[Group C]

Match Five

Kaos Kid -vs- Joey Tesauro

Sally Turnbuckle: And introducing next, from Flushing New York, weighing in at 207lbs…the WWA World Cruiserweight Champion….Joey Teeeeeeeessssaaaaaaaaauuuuuurrrrooooooooo!!!

[Nothing there for a second, the lights shutting down in the arena. Insert the screams that always seem to happen when the lights go out, until we hear three words in a low, robotic voice]





[The stage explodes in blue fire, and then the lights are back on, the fans are cheering, the opening chords of “Show Me How To Live” By Audioslave are playing, and we are rolling]

#And with the early dawn
#Moving right along
#Couldn't buy a eye full of sleep
#And in the aching nights under satellites
#I was not received

#Built with stolen parts
#Telephone in my heart
#Someone get me a priest
#To put my mind to bed
#This ringing in my head
#Is this a cure or is this a disease?

[And just when the Chorus starts, the spotlight shines on Joey Tesauro]

#Nail in my hand
#From my creator
#You gave me life now
#Show me how to live

[The sold out arena, filled to the rafters with crazy Texans is going insane for the Penguin man, now if only it was wendsday and we could get some of these chicks to take off their shirts, we could really get excited about something. As it is we just get to see Joey start to walk down to the ring]

#Nail in my hand
#From my creator
#You gave me life now
#Show me how to live

[Joey’s, wearing the usual ring attire. Dark blue jeans, black boots, a black under-armor type shirt with an American flag on the sleeve. He’s ready to do a lot of moving. What really stands out though is are the championship belts around his waist, the WWA World Cruiserweight title and the WWA World Tag Team title]

#And in the afterbirth
#On the quiet earth
#Let the stains remind you
#You thought you made a man
#You better think again
#Before my role defines you

[The chorus begins as Joey steps into the ring, vaulting over the top rope with a spring in his step, before running in to the opposite corner. He takes off his belts at that point, and raises them up high for the crowd, a photo op if there ever was one

#Nail in my hand
#From my creator
#You gave me life now
#Show me how to live

#Nail in my hand
#From my creator
#You gave me life now
#Show me how to live

[He hops back down, as the final bits of the song come on, Cornell shouting with ever more intensity]

#Show me how to Live…

#Show me how to live..

#Show me how to live

#Show, Me, How to LIVE!!!!!

[The song ends, the lights come back on, and Joey hands his belts to the ref. He then turns to face his opponent, and boy is it game time]


Clouds: And there is the bell, this match is underway!

[Kaos steps forward quickly and Tesauro takes a few shots at Kaos connecting with his temple. Kaos staggers back a step as Tesauro performs a round house punch that is side stepped by Kaos. As Kaos almost falls losing his balance to side step Tesauro nails him in the side and follows up quickly with a drop kick to Kaos' right leg. This takes Kaos down fast and Tesauro has just begun to take it to that leg. Tesauro putting his attention on that leg to keep the challenger off his feet. Tesauro lifts Kaos up off the mat and he delivers a quick snap suplex.]

Clouds: Kaos is without a doubt the underdog in this one.

[With Kaos down Tesauro stands at his feet and applies a spinning toe hold to that same leg. After a few turns on the leg Kaos manages to boot Tesauro in the rear to get him off of him. Tesauro comes right back after Kaos who is to one knee now.]

Clouds: And oh my....Tesauro just got nailed with a low blow from Kaos. A move of desperation at this point in the match.

Merchant: Let's see if Tesauro can somehow mount some offensive here.

[Tesauro is crawling to the opposite side of the ring and Kaos is limping behind him ready to snatch him up. Tesauro grabs onto the bottom rope to get up but Kaos kicks Tesauro in the lower back at the base of his spine. Tesauro feels every bit of that one and Kaos lifts him up slowly almost falling over in the process. Now Kaos whips Tesauro into the ropes and follows after him knocking him over with a clothesline. Kaos lost his footing and he went down as he connected with that clothesline. So now both men are down and the ref starts a count.]




[Tesauro jumps to his feet once again. Kaos is on one knee and Tesauro walks over to him ready for a surprising low blow this time. Tesauro lands a few hard shots to the top of the challenger's head as Kaos returns with well placed punches to the lower abdomen of the champion. Kaos tries to get to his feet but Tesauro grabs him and sets him up for another suplex. Kaos attempts to block it but he made the mistake of using his right leg and it gave out on him before he could reverse Tesauro's move. And in return Tesauro caps it off with a german suplex into a bridge.]

Merchant: This could be over already considering the pain Kaos is in, and here's the count...




Clouds: And Kaos manages to kick out! This kid has got alot of heart!

Merchant: Who you calling kid, Mike? Hell, you probably watch old re-runs of the Thundercats. What Kaos needs to do here is knock Tesauro down and drain him with some submissive maneuvers. Something that might take Tesauro off his game and he might have a chance. But it ain't looking so good for the challenger right now.

[Now with Kaos rolling around hurt on the mat Tesauro looks to add to his misery. Tesauro grabs that right leg of Kaos' and he drags him on his back over towards the ropes. Tesauro places that tender leg on the bottom rope and he leaps a few feet off the ground splashing down onto the leg with all his weight. Further adding to the damage on an already swollen and beaten leg. Now Tesauro not done there as he grabs onto the leg once again and he spreads Kaos's legs apart. Tesauro pauses for a second and then drives an elbow into the leg as he dove to the mat with it. Tesauro is back up quickly and he runs against the ropes. As Tesauro bounces off Kaos struggles to one knee once again and attempts to stand but Tesauro executes another rapid drop kick to his leg taking him back down again.]

Merchant: Man, Tesauro has totally dominated this matchup so far and we're still in the early going.

Clouds:With the condition that Kaos's leg is in, this match should actually be stopped.

Mercahnt: You pussy, Mike. They don't stop matches here in Texas just cuz you have a leg cramp.

[The ref is bent down asking Kaos if he wants him to call the match. Kaos shakes his head no and continues to crawl towards the nearest rope in attempts of standing. Tesauro watches closely waiting for the perfect shot. As Kaos pulls himself up Tesauro is ready and delivers a wicked spinning heel kick.]


Clouds: I think Tesauro just KO'D Kaos!!!

[Tesauro drops down and makes the cover. The ref starts his count...]






Merchant: HE DID IT! Listen to the crowd scream JOEY!!!

Sally turnbuckle: Advancing to Japan will be JOOOOOEEEEYY TESSSSAUUUUROOO!

[Commercial Break]

Match Six

Wendy Briese -vs- Blue Wolf

Clouds: We're back folks and it is time now for our female match up of the night....

Merchant: PUPPIES!

Clouds: Could someone in the control booth please shut off Tim's headset!?

Merchant: I had to take the shot. Besides, I have been good all night.

Clouds: I'm not going to debate that with you right now.

Sally Turnbuckle: Now making her way to the ring weighing in at 140 pounds is BLUUUUE WOOOLLLF!


[After that voiceover, there's a loud cat's growl over the PA system as AC/DC's "Back In Black" starts to blare throughout the arena. A white mist starts to roll across the arena floor in front of the entrance which's covered in blue flashing lights. Then, to an explosion of cheers the curtain parts, and out walks Blue wolf dragging a trash can full of weapons, wearing blue jeans, black knee pads, a black tied-up "Queen of Bitchdom" t-shirt and black knee high martial arts boots with her hair in a ponytail under a Baltimore Orioles ball cap as she smacks hands with the fans before flipping her opponents the bird before throwing the weapons in and stepping into the ring.]

Sally Turnbuckle: And her opponent.... Wendy Briese!!!

[No music starts and the arena is in a hushed silence. After a few moments the crowd starts to chant WENDY. Sally converses with a ring official and begins a count.]
















[The crowd is screaming WENDY in a deafening roar. Then suddenly Wendy comes running down the rampway and slides in the ring.]

Merchant: Yes, Oh yes. Female on female action will take place after all!

Clouds: You're a jackass. Anyway, Wendy is the lighter of the two during this match, but she's a good wrestler. We can't forget about Blue Wolf either, she's a tough woman.

Merchant: Wow, you made a good point. I'm amazed.

[Wendy is starting it off and she lands not one, not two, but three dropkicks in succession and sends Blue Wolf stumbing. Blue Wolf gets up and sends Wendy down with a clothesline and begins to stomp on her back before picking her up and giving her a huge bodyslam.]

Clouds: That small size difference is coming into play a little bit, but Wendy is one tough cookie.

[Wendy's up now, and both women are exchanging blows. Blue Wolf begins to connect with several shots to the midsection of Wendy which doubles her over. Blue Wolf hooks her up, and nails a textbook suplex.]

Merchant: That's what I'm talking about! Nothing but old school, that's what I like to see.

[Wendy's up though, and she comes in for clothesline, but Blue Wolf ducks it. Blue Wolf coming back this time and attempts a chop, but Wendy ducks it and hits her with an Atomic Drop from behind before following it up with a belly-to-back suplex.]

Clouds: These two are going at it likes cats!

Merchant: And dogs?

Clouds: No, just cats!

Merchant: Good man!

[Wendy is waiting for Blue Wolf and goes to grab her, but Blue Wolf kicks her knee. Blue Wolf keeps kicking Wendy backing her into the corner. Wendy drops to both knees. Blue Wolf nails her into the turnbuckle with a bronco buster type maneuver.]


Clouds: Shut up, Tim!

[Blue Wolf grabs Wendy by the hair and slams her head back into the turnbuckle and again and again. Blue Wolf throws Wendy down and drags her into the center of the ring and makes the cover.]




Clouds: Kick out by Wendy!

Merchant: I thought she had Wendy there, but not so it seems.

[Wendy is up, and she rattles Blue Wolf with a few right hands. Wendy's got Blue Wolf in the turnbuckle now, and she starts to run the shoulders in. Blue Wolf looks to be hurting, and Wendy whips her into the turnbuckle. Blue Wolf comes stumbling back and Wendy sends her to the other corner.]

Merchant: Wait, Blue Wolf jumped to the top rope. That was quick. Wendy I don't think realizes what just happened.

[As Wendy turns around and spots her, Blue Wolf connects with a Missile Dropkick. Wendy is stunned, and she's slowly getting up...]

Merchant: Raccoon Drop!!

[Blue Wolf covers again.]






Clouds: Blue Wolf pulls this one out in a tough match! Man, that girl is fast and tricky.

Sally Turnbuckle: Winner of the match via pinfall.... BLUUUUUUUE WOOOOOLF!!

[Group D]

Match Seven

Rob Crisis -vs- Logan

Sally Turnbuckle: Introducing first... Logan!

Must it take a life for hatful eyes
To glisten once again
Five hundred years like Gelignite
Have blown us all to hell
What savior rests while on his cross we die
Has the Shepard led his lambs astray
to the bigot and the gun


[The lights dies out as the spotlight focus on the entrance ramp. A chorus of boos issue forth as Logan comes running out to the ring. He hops onto the apron and removes his black leather coat. He tosses that to a ring attendant while he removes his “Not My President” t-shirt.]

Must it take a life for hateful eyes
To glisten once again
Cause we find ourselves in the same old mess
Singin' drunken lullabies

[Logan sits on the turnbuckle waiting for the match to start.]

Sally Turnbuckle: And his opponent... ROB CRISSSSISSSS!

[As Rob's music kicks on over the PA system the lights search the entrance ramp for Crisis. After a few minutes Sally starts the count.]

Merchant: Rob better get his ass out here.

Clouds: This will be the second no show of the night.

Mercahnt: You would think they would take this tournament more seriously and at least show up.




















Sally Turnbuckle: Announcing the winner of the match via count out.... LOOOOGGGGGAAANNN!

Match Eight

Deuce Valante -vs- Damian Cruise

Sally Turnbuckle: Making his way to the ring presently is Deuce Valante!!!

Clouds: Looks like Deuce is ready to go.

Merchant: Well, his mettle will be tested here tonight against Cruise.

Clouds: Very true, Tim.

Merchant: Speaking of Cruise, I believe he is on his way down here.

Sally Turnbuckle: And his opponent making his way to the ring... DAMIIIAAAN CRUUUUIISE!

[Just Like You by Three Days grace begins to blare over the PA, as Damian Cruise steps from the back and slowly makes his way to the ring to a very mixed reaction from the fans. Damian makes it to the ring, climbs the stairs and begins his warm up for the match.]

Clouds: Ok, folks there's the bell, we're underway! We're going to do this quick and dirty because we are running out of time. Deuce and Damian lock it up. Deuce with the advantage. He slams Damian down and then follows it up with a elbow.

Merchant: Damian quick to his feet, shoulder blocks Deuce into the corner. Now Damian mounts him and starts to punch away!
















Merchant: Wow!! Deuce now falls to the mat. Damian goes up top. He frog splashes Deuce. Damian goes for the early pin.




Merchant: Kick out by Deuce!

Clouds: Now Deuce gets to his feet and they lock it up again. This time Damian gains control and delivers a reverse ddt! Damian now applies an armbar to Deuce.

Merchant: Deuce reaches for the ropes but Damian pulls him back. Deuce is in some pain now and the ref is checking him.

Clouds: He doesn't want to give. Deuce reaches for the ropes again, this time he makes it. The ref orders Damian to break the hold. Damian complies and releases it.

Merchant: Wait! Damian is grabbing Deuce again and he's brought him down to the mat in the center of the ring!

Clouds: He has slapped on an STF, folks. This could be it!

Merchant: Deuce is struggling to make it to the ropes. I don't think he's going to make it!

Clouds: Look at the pain in those eyes. Damian has got that sucker locked on good.


Sally Turnbuckle: And your winner of the final match and advancing to round two in Japan is... DAAMMMIIIAAANN CRUUUUUIIISSSSE!!

Clouds: Well, Damian Cruise certainly didn't mess around here tonight. This was all about action and taking his opponent down and eliminating him.

Merchant: That means Damian Cruise advances to the second night of the Super J Tournament in Japan!

Clouds: This has been an exciting night here in Texas filled with fast paced tornado action.

Merchant: A tornado has hit Texas tonight, eh? So, I guess when they go to Japan it will be a tsunami?

Clouds: Something like that, Tim. Anyway folks we are out of time. Make sure you watch for round two in Japan. And join us here in Texas at the end of the month for the Heatstroke Pay-Per-View. I'm Mike Clouds saying goodnight!

Merchant: I'm Tim Merchant saying... well.... goodnight!