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Jon's Crib


My Favorite Web Sites

My Favorite Cartoon
Cartoons that are funny as hell
South Park Kicks Ass
Just when you realized your buddy icon totally SUCKS
Homestaaa wunnaaa

Special shout out to Kay, the girl that puts a smile on my face everyday, never change! i luv you very much baby girl!! Never let anything seperate us! Shout outz to my brother Zach (considering the fact that...OH SHIT), too much shit to remember. Thanx for watchin ma back. Shout outz to my doggs Eddy, Showalter, Cory, Jen, Bobby, Andie, Erica, Andrea, Marley, Jess, Michelle, David (aka Serena Williams), Maria (Em), Danni (D-UNIT),Ashley, Erin, Megan, Emilia (my buddy, sorry for flippin ya off), Laura, Julie, Angela, nikki, Kayla, Sheptock, Robbie, Tiffy, Lizz, and if i missed somebody, my fault, lemme know. Holla back on ma guestbook
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