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...Odd Shade of Grey

"No pestilence has ever been so fatal, or so hideous..." -E.A. Poe

HELLO!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to our page. We are ...Odd Shade of Grey. We 5uc|< right now because we are not practicing and stuff. But we will getbetter. I mean, we can't get worse than M*D. :P Just kidding. I listen to MD a lot. All day. Ahem. Yes.
We are this band from B-TOWN and stuff. Currently, it is just me (Anibal), Ben Butz, Jeff Gage, and Kearn. the latter might only be a temporary drummer. But we all love Kearn adn we will steal him from his band and keep him. We will just store him in his bass drum. :P Quite. Umm... Yes. I don't know what kind of music we are and stuff but I hope we are just good and all that. Support us people. Bye.
If you have any questions e-mail me because I don't know anyone else's e-mail and stuff.
Oh yes, and sign the guestbook BASSTURDS!!!!! (HAHAH, I got two vulgar words in one try).

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Ben kicked out of band!