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Welcome to the Runescape Domain. A Site dedicated to the world of Runescape. We offer maps, guides, quest help, and more. In the future we will turn into a guild of hunting down the wilderness. A guild to rule the wilderness and prosper! The guild will obtain benefits of armour to your level of wear including everything except Dragon equipment!
We are currently looking for 5 guild council members. If you are intrested neo-mail ppt-jucker! The guild started 6/20, Get all your friends interested in participating in a free guild, free of all the rubbish limits neopets has laid on us!


The Army of LordChrisIII
Behold an army so great we will travel to the wilderness and rule. Treasures so great of those we kill and power beyond comprehension. LordChrisIII awaits his followers in the future. One day he will anounce the beginning of his return here to ask for his followers. Till then, continue training and those of ultimate power will be rewarded.