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this are all neopets if you want toe go to dem you have toe go toe this are jubjub's end kougra's white kougra are the best very Quite baby kougra's baby aisha's baby lupe Baby Scorchio baby poogle baby Blumaroo's baby quiggle this are shoyru's this are gelert's this are aisha's faerie's this are meerca's this are pteri's this are petpet's your neopet can have dem this are jetsam this are kyrii's this are lupe's this are Scorchio this are techo's this are buzz's this are poogle's this are wocky's this are kau's this are zafara's this are Kacheek's this are Blumaroo's this are Eyrie's this are Chomby's this are korbat's this are chia's this are Usul's this are Elephante's this are nimmo's this are Mynci's this are Quiggles's this are kiko's this are tonu's this is Fruit this are Krawk's this are ixi's this are koi's this are Flotsam's hier nog wat info over mij: gebortedatum: 12 november 1990. naam: nicky. achternaam: markies. lievelings kleur: blauw. lieveling eten: van alles. haar kleur: blond. ogen: blauw. lengte: 1.69. geslacht: vrouw. liefde: geen. lievelings progamma: t.s.(totalie spies). lievelings com spel: rayman 3. lieveling neopet: kougra en shoyru. lievelings site: . moders naam: janey. vaders naam: aart. stiefvader: harry. zus: robin. huisdieren: kyra (hond). hier nog een paar pokemon

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