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Here are the instructions for

louder, faster, shorter ringtones!


First, you will need to d/l psmplayer.

Open up psmplayer, and click on File and Open to get a midi.

Here comes the fun stuff!  When you edit the midi, it's supposed to only exceed 16k, but I have been able to put a midi of 32+k


1)  You may want to edit the midi to be shorter, or to the chorus.

To do this, play the song, and when you get to the part that you want to start the song, click pause.  Now, there will be numbers at the bottom.  The one on the left will be the starting point.  Click on the "scissors" button and enter that number into the left box.  Click "OK".  Continue playing the song until you want to stop the song.  Once again, push pause, and click on the "scissors" and enter the number on the right into the box on the right.  You may want to play back the song to make sure it is perfect.  That's to shorten the ringtone.


2) You may want to make the song louder.

Open up a midi.  Before playing the song, there are two(2) buttons next to each other like "-/+".  Click on the "+" until it says 200%.  This will increase the sound.  Save it once again (overwrite it if you want).


3) You might want to speed up a song.

Open up a midi. You can change the speed anytime through the song, by clicking on "<</>>".  ">>" makes it go faster.


The save is the [O] button or the "Record" button.  Click that, then OKAY, then find where you want to save the file and name it and save it.


Play around, and you'll have fun with your ringtones!

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