
Village school of Stalin's time.


Now this star shaped architecture crumbles away like most Soviet-time memorials. It's because it was only connected to the life of a few generations. After generations are gone no one cares anymore about their ideals, their goals and achievements.



Churches still stand because they were part of the life of all generations.

This Chernobyl church is neglected, but still intact. It has not been used since the time when communists killed the priests and turned their churches into cow-sheds.

But it still survives all the madness of the 20 century and outlived other signs of this godless epoch. This church may outlive Caesium-137 and Strontium-90 which half life is 30 years. It already last beyond half life of Plutonium-242 that is 14 years.

But will this church outlive the element which Plutonium decays into?


Four Seasons2009(photoreportage)