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         Thank you for visiting Jose's personal Web site. If I gave this private site to look at, I probably like you ! I'm currently in the quest of looking  for the woman of my dreams again. . . I am also currently enjoying life to its fullest, dating, partying, clubbing, sporting, working hard, trying getting back on my feet & recovering from a bump on roa. . . . . I would like to officially thank all of my family, friends & co-workers, but most specially family members for their tremendous support during bad times of my life. It is thanks to them that I've learned so much about life, & its curves. . . I would like to express my  thankfulness also to the Armed, & law enforcement forces for their admirable participation during war, & everyday routine in the city of Salt Lake. And also my sympathies to the families of those who died for our country, the United States of America.

        I believe in justice, I believe in our society that even though is not perfect is way better than others in the world, I am proud to live in this country, & be an member of this society.

        I thank the almighty for the opportunity to land me in this country, for the opportunity he gives me every day to live & enjoy every day life. I thank the almighty for my family, my personal property. . . I pray for others who immigrants who are strugeling in this society, just like I did, that god may tender their hearts, give them strengh to understand this wonderful American Culture.

         More importantly I would like to take a moment to thank my parents, who have played a very important role in my life,  for making the marvelous decision to move permanently to the U.S.

        Last but not least, I am proud of my self, for everything I have achieved in such a short time, for learning the English language & its slang, for learning the culture, for graduating with high honors from the community College, for my cars, for my saving, for my girlfriend, for my family & friends . . . .

More later . . . , this site is still under construction !