17 out of 24 involve muslims on at least one side which comes out to approx.
71%(17*100/24). Muslims constitute approx. 15% of the world's population
(9E8*100/6E9). This shows that muslims are 4.7 times(71/15) more likely to
be involved in some sort of insurrection, rebellion, terrorism etc. If we are
to assume that there is nothing genetically wrong with muslims(i.e. their
violent behavior is a result of upbringing rather than their genetic makeup)
we must conclude that their violence stems from their culture. However
customs of different muslim groups vary widely throughout the globe and yet
the 'violence' factor remains. Therefire we must look for one constant that
is present in every muslim community throughout the world. The only constant
that is present everywhere in the muslim community by definition is ISLAM
Therefore we can conclude that the underlying reason for the muslims' violent
behavior is the violent message of Koran

Main warring parties Year
Middle East    
Iran vs. Mujahideen Khalq Organization (MKO) 1979 <==
Iraq vs. Desert Storm Coalition (U.S. & U.K.) 1991 <==
Iraqi government (Sunni) vs. Shi'a (Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq) 1991 <==
Iraq vs. Kurds 1961 <==
Israel vs. Palestinian Authority/Hamas/Hezbollah/Palestinian separatists 1948 <==
China vs. East Turkestan Islamic Movement 2002 <==
Afghanistan: U.S., U.K., Northern Alliance and Coalition Forces vs. al-Qaeda 2001 <==
India vs. Kashmiri separatist groups/Pakistan 1948 <==
India vs. Assam insurgents (various) 1979 <==
Indonesia vs. Aceh separatists 1969 <==
Indonesia vs. Irian Jaya separatists 1969 <==
Philippines vs. Mindanaoan separatists (MILF/ASG) vs. Abu Sayyaf 1971 <==
Algeria vs. Armed Islamic Group (GIA) 1991 <==
Burundi: Tutsi vs. Hutu 1988  
Democratic Republic of Congo and allies vs. Rwanda, Uganda and indigenous rebels 1997  
Liberia vs. LURD rebels 2000  
Sudan vs. Sudanese People's Liberation Army2 1983 <==
Nigerian Christians vs. Muslims 1998 <==
Uganda vs. Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) 1986  
Yugolsavia vs. Kosovo Liberation Army 1999 <==
Russia vs. Chechen separatists 1994 <==
Latin America    
Colombia vs. National Liberation Army (ELN) 1978  
Colombia vs. Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) 1978  
Colombia vs. Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia (AUC) 1990  
As of August 2002.
1. Where multiple parties and longstanding but sporadic conflict are concerned, date of first combat deaths is given.
2. Ceasefire agreements signed in 2002; violence may resume.
Source: Center for Defense Information,