The wonderful comic, Sam Levinson, had a great answer to
anti-Semites. "It's a free world and you don't have to like Jews, but
if you DON'T, I suggest that you boycott certain Jewish products, like
The Wasserman Test for syphilis,
Digitalis, discovered by Doctor Nuslin,
Insulin, discovered by Doctor Minofsky,
Chloral Hydrate, discovered by Doctor Lifreich,
The Schick Test for Diphtheria,
Vitamins, discovered by Doctor Funk,
Streptomycin, discovered by Doctor Woronan,
The Polio Pill by Doctor Sabin, and the Polio
Vaccine by Doctor Jonas Salk.

Go on, boycott!

Humanitarian consistency requires that my people offer all these gifts to
all people of the world.

Fanatic consistency requires that all bigots accept
Infantile Paralysis and
Tuberculosis as a matter of principal.

You want to be mad at us? Be mad at us!

But I'm telling you, you ain't going to feel so good
And don't forget a few of the other things invented or discovered by Jews:
Atomic energy, courtesy of Albert Michelson, Albert Einstein, Lise
Meitner, Niels Bohr, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Edward Teller and others;
Nuclear Submarines: Admiral Hyman Rickover;
Gliders: Otto Lilienthal, whose pioneering was cited by the Wright
brothers as vital to their own invention of the airplane;
Dirigibles: David Schwartz;
Radio waves: Heinrich Hertz;
Phonograph records (flat disk-type), the carbon microphone, record stores
and the recording industry: Emile Berliner;
Petroleum distillation: Abraham Schreiner
And, of course, they'll want to boycott Jewish music, which means that
they'll not only lose out on all the stuff by Rogers and Hammerstein and
Jerome Kern, but will also have to give up stuff by Irving Berlin, including
such traditional Jewish ditties as "G-d bless America" and "White
Christmas," and will have to also let go of the Marine's Hymn, since the
melody was written by Offenbach, who was the son of a French cantor.
They'll need to boycott Labor Day as well, as it was the result of efforts
by Samuel Gompers in 1894, and won't want to wear jeans that are named after
their Jewish inventor, Levi Strauss.
Since they'll be avoiding movies made by Jewish-founded companies, that
will eliminate a lot of theater-going, including releases by Warner Brothers and
MGM among others.