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..........Viva Musica...........


Name: Lora

Grade: Senior

People in my life: Emma B, Leanne T, Megan C, Nikki B, Brad G and all the chls boys, Nicole J, Rachel P, Joey M, Krista L, Megan M, Rebecca H, Lauren (Masi!), Hailey P, Sharah D, Amanda Johan! All the choir know who you are: Danica, Jen, Robyn and Damon, Jeff, Emma again, all the Mixed Ensemble members, and Paul ;)(aka Paulie...haha P. Lead colorado trip!!)

Hobbies: Relient K ( song is 'when i go down')Josh Groban, singing, laughing, piano, and *duh* music. Mi musica es mi vida. Lord of the Rings, all kinds of music except country (sorry krista, Davis and Hailey) and techno (sorry Raymond).

My biggest shoutout goes to God, of course. I constitute nothing without His support and gifting. He gives me everything I need, and life would not exist without him.

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don't laugh. no seriously. this is me singing 'breath of heaven' at this church thingie. i don't like this song even....but oh well here it is
My photoalbum with sweet pics
My blog/webjournal/z-z-zanga! I update this like every day...sick i know