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National Conference Pictures

Hello everyone! I hope you all enjoy the photos from the conferences... Please share the address with anyone from the conference! I don't have everyone's e-mail address, so it would be a big help! Thanks!

The pictures are numbered for a reason: if you would like reprints please tell me the number of the pic and how many you want!

A special thanks to my friend Brittany who helped me out w/the HTML for this site and for all the time and effort she put into it!!!!

1. Say cheese Josh!

2. We're so cool! - Can we stop smiling now? -

3. Little Bear teaching us about John Colter...

Bill_Jack.jpg 4. Bill "Did you really want that dollar back?" Jody *Laughs*

5. L to R: Colton, Peter, Jody - Josh Wheeler is manning the camera.

6. Smile for the camera!
L to R: Holly Welch, Melody Leedahl, Jonathan Leedahl, Josh Wheeler and Peter Leedahl

7. It's Bible charades! (Gotta love Jon's expression!)

8. The lovely ladies who made the evening a blast!
L to R: Katrina Shaw, Betsy Barfield, Ruth Miller, Amy Wheeler, Amelia and Alicia Arnold (Josh Wheeler and David Denton are in the background...)

9. Dominic Elijah Amadee wearing my glasses...

10. Dominic Amadee and Mallory Deltenre

11. Colton wore a tie to class!!! (The pic is B & W because in color it looked like he had black eyes... *grins*)

12. Da'Nell Gomez and Jody along with four other important people!!! Look - they're all homeschooled!

13. She's a chieftan!!! Da'Nell poses in front of the intricate headress in the Mt. Rushmore gift shop.
14. Danielle, "Tom, can i have some of your coffee? I'm tired!"
L to R: Dominic, Danielle Hugo, Emily and Tom Patchin

15. L to R: Brian Welch, Cynthia Woolett, Amelia Arnold, Alicia Arnold, Heather Welch, Amy Barfield, Betsy Barfield, Katrina Shaw, Kristen Gibert, Jonathan Leedahl and Holly Welch

16. Aren't we good lookin'?
Back L to R: Hallie Ray, Jared Hulcy, ??, Dominic Amadee, Andrew Tabet, Alyssa Gomez
Front L to R: Jody Byrkett, Da'Nell Gomez, Mary Wesolek, Hannah Ray, Emily Patchin and Elizabeth Tyler

17. Same line-up... Do we really look that different??? *Lol*

18. L to R: Da'Nell, Jody, Hannah, Mary and Elyssa

19. L to R: Tom, Dominic and Danielle