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Here is the Link for the old page and old stuff. Click Me
Comp is P4 2.4c OC'd to 3.4 with thermalright sp94 heatsink. Vid card is Radeon 9500 PRO (my love)
Here is some pics of my Case.As You can see I like my NWN A lot ;)
Open Case


In The Dark. Freaky lights

More Case and VID card good ness

My Ati VID card collection missing my FireGL X2 Box :( Now if only ATI could sell these card to us directly :)

My Messy workstation at work.. Award for the most disorganized PC. Its an Opteron with a 9800pro :)and 2 gigs of ram, with stripe scsi cheetah's

Misc Pics. Bosses Comp