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The Queen of Extreme Lita td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000" colspan="2">
td width="100%" bgcolor="#000000" colspan="2">
..:: Record: ::.. 0-0

..:: People Mentioned: ::.. Read to See

..:: People Used ::.. Lita and Others

..:: Scene ::.. All over

..:: Achievements: ::..None

..::|Scene|::.. Lovefurypassionenergy hits the pa system as pink lights start flashing.Lita then wlaks out.She stops at the top of the ramp.She dances and taunts the crowd a bit.Shes wearing a white top with blakc skull on it and black jeans riding low so you can see her white thong.She then runs down to the ring and slides in.She stands in the middle of the ring and dances and taunts the crowd.She then runs over and grabs a mic.

~*~"Queen of Extreme" Lita~*~
Thats right everyone The Queen of Extreme is back.Now just like before I am going to take extreme to a whole new level.Now of course Im not expecting a title shot real soon but beleive me I am oging to work my way up to it and when I get my shot whoever has the title then will be in deep trouble.Now of course I dont care who it is.It can be the Million Doller Bitch herself Stephanie McMahon, or ti can be Trish, or even Ivory, or Krizten, or Jade.Whoever it is will be in for one hell of an extreme ass kicking.Now then onto other things if theirs anyone in the back who wold like to team up with the Queen of Extreme then let me know.Ill be waiting to here from you.Now everyone be prepared for extreme to be taken to a whole new level.

She then throws the mic down as lovefurypassionenergy hits the pa system.She taunts thye crowd a bit and then leaves the ring.