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Welcome To My Dreamcatcher Page

My name is Stacy, AKA Darwind, and I like to make Dreamcatchers. If you don't know the history of the Dreamcatcher, please read below.

It is believed that dreams both good and bad float through the air all day and night searching for their destination. While sleeping under a Dreamcatcher, one may feel secure that bad dreams being confused and ill-intentioned get caught in the web to perish with the first light of day, while the good dreams, knowing the right way, easily slip through the center hole, work their way down the web catching all the good energies of the stones and adornment, floating down the feathers and onto the dreamers head. One never need fear bad dreams again while sleeping under a smudged, or blessed Dreamcatcher.

To view my Gallery of Dreamcatchers, please click on each name to be taken to a full view of the dreamcatcher.

3D Swirl 6 Generations American Dream Basic Dream
Beaded Dream Double Sided Necklace Owl
Pride Purple Dream Purple Ying Yang Serenity
Small Dream Spider Star Swirls
Three Generations Wool Ying Yang Zuni Bear

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