Great Escape??Did We Make it this time???

*The scene opens up.]-[ardcore Smitty and Stone are sitting on their asses still looking extremely bored. A cop comes in with a portable tv. They turn it on. Smitty and Stone seems confused. They watch the tv. It's Juan and Capone. During the whole promo Smitty and Stone are having a hell of a time understanding anything that they are saying. The promo thankfully ends quick. They look at each other.*

]-[ardcore:Holy shit! Did you understand anything out of all that? Because I sure as hell didn't. A bunch of gibberish. They should learn to speak english before they start yapping about us.

Stone:I know. What the hell is a glass chin? I guess they have never been to school to figure out that a chin is made of bone, not glass. Thats just how dumb these morons are. I have a soultion to figure out what they are saying.

]-[ardcore:Oh yeah? Cool. How are we going to understand that.

Stone:Get a thug dictionary. I'm sure it's got all that dumb ass slang in it. Hey you buddy. You have a thug dictionary anywhere around here.

*A cop comes in with a little book.*

Stone:Awesome. Now could you look up the word... sticky iggy.

]-[ardcore:I think it's sticky icky.

Stone:No it was sticky iggy. I know what I heard. Look it up my good man.

*The policeman looks it up and turns the book around so Stone can read it.*

Stone:Sticky Iggy: It's when a grown man hits another guy in the face with cum! Damn that means....

]-[ardcore:They are gay. Oh man. I've had my share of gay problems with that Billy Smalls guy. Now these two fruit cakes. Wrestling is for real men, not gays. You know I think they said ass chin not glass chin, Stone. You better look that one up too.

*The policeman looks up the word. Then once again shows Stone.*

Stone:Ass Chin:This is when the chin looks like there are two cheeks,therefor being a ass chin. Man these guys are not only gansters, but they are extremely gay. Now are they saying we have ass chins and it turns them on? Or what? Because I have no idea what the hell they mean.

]-[ardcore:I dunno dude. Actually I really don't wanna know what they mean anymore. Now what about being in da club? Is that a special club?

Stone:I think he means in dad club. Like a homo bar. I'm not to sure, but I say we look that one up to.

]-[ardcore:Yeah good idea. Never know what those sick bastards mean.

*The policeman looks it up and show Smitty this time.*

]-[ardcore:Dad's club:A homosexual club for men. Oh my! These guys are not only gay, but they hang out in gay clubs.

Stone:Well thats where most gays hang out right? A gay club.

]-[ardcore:Yeah I guess you are right. Is there anymore that we don't understand?

Stone:Yeah what about..... 5-0's? I have no clue what that means. Probably some gay lingo for something. I don't even want to look that one up.

]-[ardcore:The funniest part is that they actually thought we want to be gansters like them. If I was like them.. I'd shoot myself. Or in their terms....bust a cap in my own white ass. You morons understand that? Good.

Stone:What the hell is lighting a fire up our ass? Why would anybody want to light a fire up someones ass?

]-[ardcore:Gay guys?

Stone:Bingo! All these guys wanna do is get us in bed or something sick like that. I'm glad we are here. They can't ass rape us in here now can they.

]-[ardcore:They say we've never popped one? Hell just ask Melody... I've popped one alright.

*Smitty, Stone and even the policeman starts to laugh at the joke.*

Stone:Hell yeah Smitt, these guys are nothing but a joke to us. West Side Connection vs. uhhh the S Connection bitches. Now you mofo's take that down town to the hood.

*Smitty head butts Stone.*

]-[ardcore:Act normal you dumbass. You are starting to sound like them, and thats not good. Sound like you've been educated man. No more of this yo you hommie yo bullshit or everything is good in the hood nonsense. We are from the eastside brotha.

Stone:I'm not your brother. See you are acting like them now. We gotta snap out of this ghetto loser phase. Turn off the tv please. No more Mexican and ghetto talk now. You know I've seen a taco bigger than Juan. Thats how damn small the little bastard is.

]-[ardcore: You boys better stay off the refer because you will need to be 100% focussed for us "white boys" as you would say.

Stone:Pretty funny eh little mouse tried to pick up Angel Baby Graves. Why doesn't he find a midget mexican girl for himself. No no he thinks he's all high and mighty because he's a midget that all the chicks want him. Ha!

]-[ardcore:These guys have nothing on us. They can say they can beat anybody. But they have never fought us, never seen what we are capable of doing. They are in for a rude awakening thats for damn sure. Those potheads will figure out the moral of the story. Don't Fuck with Smitty.

Stone:I'll put that in their language so they undertand. You two gansta's dont got nuttin on us. I can't finish I sound like a retard. That enough pretending to be a ganster for one day.

]-[ardcore:Yeah I know what you mean dude. I know why he hit on Angel Baby. He wants to cover up his true self. You know, him and Capone likeing door number two on men.

Stone:Oh yeah. Ha!

Policeman:It's time for dinner now boys. Heres lets get those straight jacket off you two.

*The policeman takes off the jackets. Smitty and Stone move their arms around. They walk down to the bottom floor,but they are conceiled away from all the others in a glass room.*

]-[ardcore:Damn it. We don't even get to eat with everybody else. This is bull shit. I can't wait to get outta here. I can't wait to whoop some gangster ass on Wednesday. They won't even see it coming either. They think they are sooooo damn great. Well they might be... but we are waaaaayyyy better than those chumps. They are used to fighting tag teams like Disco Dancers DJ Hype and Meat head...

Stone:You mean Raw-B.

]-[ardcore:Yeah thats what I said.

*All of a sudden a siren goes off.*

]-[ardcore:We didn't do anything this time!!!

*All of a sudden a clown car smashes into the side of the jail. A bunch of midget clowns jump out of the car and start wrestling with all the cops. Gideon jumps out of the car with streamers and other party items. He runs around putting on party hats on inmates and cops. He sees Smitty and Stone.*

]-[ardcore:Oh my god. We are getting broken out of jail by a god damn clown.

*Gideon pulls out a confetti launcher. He launchs a bunch of confetti. Gideon then takes a sledge hammer and breaks down the door to the conceiled room. The room falls down.*

]-[ardcore:I thought I'd never say this.. Gideon..... I'm happy to see you man!!!

*Gideon blows a trumpet then a cop trys to tackle him but Gideon bops him with the trumpet. Gideon dances and prances around Stone and Smitty and place a party hat on them.*

Stone:Damn it! It's not a party Gideon it's a jail break!! Now lets get outta here!

Gideon:I knew you fella's would be happy to see me!!! Lets get out of this carnival gone wrong.

*Smitty and Stone quickly run out the huge hole in the wall, while Gideon just skips his way out.*

]-[ardcore:How the hell are we going to escape? We have no car.

Stone:Oh yes we do!

]-[ardcore:What the hell are you doing?!!

Stone:Gotta hotwire this sum bitch!!

*Stone quickly gets it hotwired and the engine fires up. Stone jumps back in.*

]-[ardcore:Come on Gideon hurry up man.

Stone:Theres no time for the clown!!

*Stone slams on the gas. Gideon just reaches the car. He jumps and holds onto the bumper. Gideon loses his balance and begins to be dragged by the police car. Smitty looks back from the inside.*

]-[ardcore:Where the hell did he go?

*You see Gideons hand come up on the trunk.*

]-[ardcore:Oh SHIT! You are dragging him Stone!

*Stone starts to swerve in the road. Gideons lets go but then gets a hold of the bumper again. He gets both hands onto the trunk and pulls himself up onto the trunk. He holds onto each side of the trunk as Stone keeps swerving. Stone goes down an alley way running over a bunch of cardboard boxes.*

]-[ardcore:What the hell are you doing?

Stone:What do you think? I'm getting away from the police station!

*Stone keeps on driving quickly. He hits a cactus stand. A huge cactus goes flying over the car and lands on Gideon. You can hear Gideon cursing from inside the car.*

]-[ardcore:Dude! He's gonna kill you when we stop at the arena.

Stone:No we won't. That clown loves me.

]-[ardcore:Alright dude. The arena is just there hurry up and get in the parking lot.

*Stone guns it and whips around the corner almost sending Gideon into mid traffic. Stone pulls into the parking lot and steps sharply on his breaks. Gideon slides up the car and lands on the hood of the car. He sits up and shakes his head. Smitty and Stone get out of the car quickly.*

]-[ardcore:Hey yo clown are you ok?

Gideon:By josh that was some ride. I'm fine but I don't know about my bum bum.

*Gideon stands up and his ass is completely red. Smitty and Stone burst out laughing.*

]-[ardcore:Your ass is as red as the make up on your face Gideon.

Stone:Yeah man. Don't walk around Capone or Juan because they might invite you into their locker room to do some Sticky Iggy and you don't want that!

Gideon:Golly! What is Sticky Iggy?

]-[ardcore:You don't wanna know. It's some gangster slang. We have to fight Capone and Juan this week for a number one contendership for the tag titles.

Gideon:Thats crazy wazy boys. I'm sure you boys will whoop some gangsta ass. Send em' back to the ghetto streets where they belong. You know I'm a well known rapper.

]-[ardcore:Awesome man. You going to watch us kick some gangster ass on Wednesday?

Gideon:Oh I'm not sure boys. I hope so.

]-[ardcore:Awesome man. Now....Where's Melody I gotta give her ass shit for not getting us out of there sooner. I wonder where she is hiding.

Stone:Who cares, just leave her man. She's a dumb brod.

]-[ardcore:Yeah! Damn it. Gideon heres like sixty bucks take Melody out on the town bud.

*Smitty hands over sixty bucks. Gideon gets all excited and hugs Smitty. Smitty pushes him off.*

]-[ardcore:Go man have fun man.

*Gideon jumps into the police squad car and drives off.*

]-[ardcore:I'm glad to be out. Now Capone and Juan really have to worry because the match is on for sure now. So theres nothing they can do or say to keep us away. Ha those tag titles are as good as ours now Stone.

Stone:Those bastards think they are high and mighty. Well atleast high because we know what they do in their spare time. You guys will be stuck down to the ground. So you sum bitches get ready to get your ass handed to you. You are playing with Cross Fire and you will be burnt when you play with this fire.

*They walk down the hall and look for their locker room. Everybody in the halls look at them funny as they walk past. Lisa Fox stops.*

Fox:I thought you guys were in jail?

Stone:We bro....

]-[ardcore:Made bail. So now our match is on for sure. So you tell those gay hippy pot smoking bastards that they better be ready for one hell of a fight.

Fox:What was that Stone?

Stone:Uhh We broke. No no. We were broke and had no money to make bail so we had to call in a friend thats all.

*Stone smiles as he just barely got himself out of that one.*

Fox:Oh...Ok. Now you boys don't go breaking anymore lies.

*Lisa Fox smiles and walks past. Smitty and Stone both stare at her ass while she passes. They look at each other in approval as the scene ends.*