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Nascar Thunder 2003 (Xbox)

          Electronic Arts Sports        Available now

           Other Platforms: PS2, Gamecube


            Very rarely do Nascar games get judged by fans; Most of the time they are judged for their value as racing games and that alone.  I think that’s wonderful.  Except that I can’t believe anyone who doesn’t at least like Nascar would even consider purchasing a Nascar Thunder title or any Nascar title.  Therefore, a fan should do the review; well here I am.  I’ve played Nascar 2001, Nascar Heat 2001, Nascar Thunder 2002, and Nascar Heat 2002.  But this game is the most balanced and has the best graphics of all four.

            This game features many modes and options for the player to take advantage of; however, the biggest reason to get Nascar Thunder 2003 on the Xbox is the ability to have your own Soundtrack throughout the game.  This is not a fact publicized on the box or in any review I read at the time of release.  MANY PEOPLE, love this feature in Xbox games and it is sorely missing from press releases, reviews, and other areas as a selling point.  Although the EA music is great it can get tiresome after a while and it is wonderful that they made this addition to prevent that from happening.

            This game features the standard races modes: Quick Race, Career, and Season.  Along with the new modes: Thunder Challenges, which allow you to try and reenact famous moments from top drivers from famous races.  There are also Lightning Challenges which allow you to try to beat specified times and complete specific challenges at tracks all across the circuit.  Both modes reveal Thunder plates, which give you various advantages and unlockables; everything from new cars and drivers to plates that help you during races.

            I liked the addition of a victory celebration at the end of the races during the season and career modes if you win.  This is far better than the non-existent acknowledgement at that was setup in the 2002 version.  However, the problem with these celebrations is that the trophies are all the same.  Also some work on the driver’s faces would also have been nice.  I actually preferred the 2001 Nascar Playstation game ending where it showed a spinning trophy that was unique to the race when you won.

            I also have to applaud the addition of the Bud Shootout and the Gatorade 125 races to the Daytona race at the beginning of the season.  I also like the addition of the more advanced setups, which were much more like the 2001 version.  Although this game is the BEST NASCAR game out there it certainly isn’t perfect.  I cannot wait to see what they add to 2004.

      Game Rating: 4 out of 5.





                      Pictures from