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The Fun Begins With A Story

It all starts on the last day of Sizzler.   We had a staff (same link as Summer Staff) party and we all got dress up and stuff. After that we had movies in the Wigwam and stayed up all night which was really awesome I was totally wired the whole night while everyone was sleeping.  We left for Calgary in the morning at around 6'ish.  That same night I almost burnt my retna by looking at the moon through a telescope, (LOL hey Mary Ann). Well anyways,  we left really early. This was the group that we all drove to Alberta with. (From left to right, Jen, Kallen, Nicole, Q, Brian)

traveling group.jpg (45531 bytes)

So anyways we left early and we drove all day and did many crazy things on the way, like sticking a whole role of bubble tape in my mouth.(Oh Brian do you still have the funny poem we wrote in your glove compartment). Also like passing each other for no real good reason except for fun.
Q driving pant leg filled with air.jpg (47260 bytes) Whole roll of buble tape.jpg (53885 bytes) whitey passing greeny.jpg (46911 bytes)

We made funny faces at each other as we passed each other.  Did a few things to cool off as well like filling our pant legs with air by sticking them out the window.  We dropped off Q in Edmonton where he was staying. Then we drove to Calgary and went to Nicole's place, well her old place.
Nicole's Parent's house.jpg (59903 bytes)

It was really close to being morning at this time I think it was like 2am our time or theirs I forget.sunset.jpg (33963 bytes)

We gotta sit in their lovely hot tub. It was very nice "thanx,  Nicole's parents."
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This was the Immodium picture, well when I took it I asked how's the Immodium working.  Well I thought it was funny at the time. HEE HEE This picture of their dog was also really funny.
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While we were at Nicole's place we also went to Calgary for mountain biking at Canadian Olympic Park which was really awesome. We rented some bikes and some gear as well for our protection. But luckly we never fell or anything, cuz we were going really fast down those hills at least 100mph (a little sarcasm their but not to much).
This is us all geared up and ready to go for some serious biking unlike prairie (mountain???) biking
All geared up.jpg (72956 bytes)

This is the bike trick part of the park it was loads of fun.

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Their was also a bike racing track which I'd say was the most fun part of the park.
Bike Race Track.jpg (84286 bytes) Kall_Jumping.jpg (64484 bytes) Bri Jumping Track.jpg (72252 bytes)

Their was also some really cool trails as well like this one it was called Adrenaline and it was a double black diamond. When you go down the trail your shoulders get really close to hitting a tree. 
adrenaline.jpg (148295 bytes)

We also spent a day hanging out with Q at West Ed Mall which was totally awesome.  Your awesome to hang out with Q.
Bri Q and Me.jpg (64141 bytes) Bri Q and Me muscles.jpg (59605 bytes)

We went bungee jumping that's what the numbers on our hangs in the pictures above where from. Also went zip lining over the West Ed wave pool.  We also went sliding after Brian got his stitches out from Bungee jumping I'll let Brian tell you the story about that but it wasn't to serious and the bungee cord didn't break if you were wondering.
bri bungee.jpg (80959 bytes)  bri zip line.jpg (83498 bytes)
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While we were at the mall we also went to the theme park. Which was cool. Lucky I didn't throw up. (I hope you see this page Mandi, LOL) The space shot is kinda like Drop of Fear but better it drops a few times and it also shoots you up.  The roller coaster was awesome  except I almost passed out on it going around one of the loops.  Well everything just started to get dark but not completly.  Apparently that loop takes you at about 5.something G's.  It was cool we did it a whole bunch of times.
space shot.jpg (70614 bytes)

Before we went to West Ed for the 2nd time we went to Banff to visit our friend Susan. We did some shopping and touring of the area.
Brian's friends place in Banff.jpg (69528 bytes) Conquerd Rock.jpg (100664 bytes) banff group pic under tree.jpg (129090 bytes) Tourist Pic.jpg (62784 bytes)
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We went to the mall later on, unfortunatly Q couldn't have been their. We went reverse bungee jumping we both did triple back flips and Brian did a triple front flip but I only could do at that time was a double front flip. Got temporary tatoo's.  We also saw the dragon at the Silver City which did a little show every 20mins or so. We also got back massages which was really relaxing (drooling) 

bri reverse bungee.jpg (74495 bytes)
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silvercity_dragon_pic.jpg (49173 bytes)

Before we were going to leave Nicole's new picture and header on home we decided to take a group picture again (miss you Nicole, come visit sometime).
At Nicole's new place.jpg (107582 bytes)

That concludes my story of our trip to Alberta, theirs allot more pictures but hey that would be just to many to put on my website.