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Jim Roat

Sunday School is really growing at Berlin! We have classes with many new and exciting areas of Bible Study and Christian growth. Our Senior Adult Ladies are led by Brenda Kean. This spring, they will be going throught the "Journey to a Faithful Finish". "Bible Study 101" is led by Dwight Holcombe. They are continuing throught the Walking with kGod series. "Bible Study 102" is led by Roger Jones. This quarter, they are studying the Tabernackle as part of the Journey series. Ann Bishop and Jill Bishop-Hollis are leading their class through "Biblical Applications for Daily Living". In addition to these fine choices in adult studies, we have classes for all age groups from Teens to the Nursery. Join us as we "Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18).
Sincerely, Jim Roat