
Submit all rumors to TWF Staff Account. Rumors will be posted as they filter in over the newswire.

(5-19-03)- Rumors have began circulating amongst some credible internet websites that Heydon Hall former two time TWF World Champion is once again in negotiations with TWF President "Dangerous" Danny Firestarter. He had taken a breif leave of absence siting personal reasons under the management of former-president Raven Starr. Heydon's contract came up for renewal when the TWF's ownership was on shaky ground and therefore opted not to resign, but with the condition that if the TWF pulled out of the looming danger he would renegotiate. Due to the explosive buyrates of Clash of the Titans and Fire Within Heydon has apparently seen "conclusive evidence that Firestarter is running a tight ship." Negotiations began late last week and it is no doubt that Firestarter will pay top dollar to have such a legend of the TWF ring back on his roster, after resigning such talent as Kirk Visconty, and Raven Starr and with the recent apperance of Brent Nelson it's undoubted that the TWF is coming back with the old ttalent that established the rock solid foundation of this federation as well as new explosive talent being signed week in and week out. The TWF is sure to experience steady growth through the next quarter which should make it's share holders very happy.

(4-23-03)- Logan Treasure was reportedly in contract negotiations with New Era Wrestling (NEW). According to an NEW spokesperson Logan approached them with an offer of his talents but they were skeptical about his injury which he has not proven to be fully recovered from. They have not closed the door however citing "Treasure is a real asset to any federation. We're just not ready to purchase damaged merchandise. He should come see us when he's well. We'll put an offer on the table that'll make ole Firestarter's head do cartwheels." Logan Treasure was unwilling to comment if his recent talks have anything to do with his contract being up for renegotiation with the TWF or not. It is also unsure as to the fate of the TWF Tag Team, Drake & Morris as their contracts with the TWF are actually included as a clause to Logan's contract.

(4-08-03)- Unfortunately at Clash of the Titans "the Cadaver Dog" Chris Quinn suffered an injury that may shelf him for several months. Due to this injury the TWF Office has been forced to strip him of his title since he will be unable to defend it within the alloted amount of time. The TWF wishes Chris Quinn the best and a speedy recovery.

(03-22-03)- "The Bitch Goddess" Pyretta Blaze has taken a leave of absence from the TWF in order to fight a more important fight. A former Army Weapons Tech, she is voluntarily joining the forces at work already in Iraq. The TWF wishes her all the best of luck in her endeavors and hope she will return safe and sound, and soon.

(2-06-03)- There is news that "Sassy" Summer Kensington will be returning from her recruiting mission and from what we hear, the surprise she has will be HOT!

(2-06-03)- After the CEoD meeting there are reports that Raven is unsure about the state of the CEoD. Could it finally be coming to an end?

(2-05-03)- Cheri Fields has been seen wearing an engagement ring at the recent Rising. Does this mean Cheri and Piper are finally going to tie the knot?

(1-29-2003)- A rumor that a new tag team has been formed and they wish to arrange a blockbuster match at SVDM. More details to come.

(1-12-2003)- Secret meetings have been going down this week at the TWF main office, with a new star. At this time it will be very apparent that they will be in the role of commentator, due to a recent surgery that will take some time to heal, but before that, this superstar was to known to catch everyone's breath with his feet, and his feats.

(1-10-2003)- There is a rumor that "Franchise" Johnny Hawke was found outside a Jersey bar beaten and bloody. He was also running and 104 degree fever. This rumor comes from an eye witness who saw someone pull up to a hospital and checked him in.

(12-22-2002)- Mark Wilder has been in talks with TWF lawyers, but no deal has been made. However, it almost a sure bet that he will make his presence felt in one way or another.

(12-21-2002)- There is a rumor that newcomer Chris Fontain will make his impact felt at Idle Minds.

(12-18-2002)- President Starr has recently been overheard negotiating with lawyers over, "the special guest referee for Idle Minds".

(12-18-2002)- Sources confirm that "The Systematic Assassin" Logan Treasure has lined up some very special guests to arrive at Idle Minds that could literally "rock" the foundation of the TWF.

(11-28-2002)- There is a rumor, that a new superstar, named Shawn Wolfe, who has seen TWF and looks to be coming in.

(11-10-2002)- There is a rumor going around that wrestling circuit that Cronus is really a Kennedy and that his family has asked him to wear a mask so that he does not disgrace the family name.

(11-08-2002)- Rumor has it that President Starr has been interviewing to fill two new positions in the TWF. An old superstar and an old friend to the TWF will be back to possibly fill these positions.

(10-29-2002)- President Starr has been quite a busy man since his take over of the TWF. He has been overheard talking about a few possible Pay Per View suprises and a recent signing of a ReV rising star.

(10-16-2002)- Raven Starr was reportedly seen entering a nearby hospital after the Rising Show. Information is still sketchy but this may be something serious after his intense against Adam Krager this past week.

(10-04-2002)- Rumors have been flying about the locker room about a certain superstar who has vowed to make an impact at the upcoming pay-per-view,even tho he isn't on the card he still said that someway somehow he will be at the pay-per-view,and he will make his presence felt,who is this man and why has he picked the pay-per-view to show himself?,well I guess we will have to wait until Sunday to find out.

(10-03-2002)- A news reporter from Fox Sports Net was covering a report on the scene at Chicago's very own Cubby Bear Sports Bar, Monday night. Throughout the report TWF Superstars Raven Starr, Ashton Steele, and "Captain" Devon Storm were seen palling around with Chicago Bear superstars; Brian Urlacher, "Big Cat" Williams, and Ted Washington. I guess "birds of a feather do flock together".