The Titan Wrestling Federation invades Kansas City, Missouri on Sunday May 25th. The TWF presents Sunday Night Rising coming to you live from the Kemper Arena. Tickets on sale now.

The deadline for role-plays will be Friday, May 23th at 10PM CST. All sneaks/strats/on card interviews are also due at this time. Please send strats/sneaks to 

~As always. doors open at 6:30, with the opening match starting at 7:57 pm EST. Call your local cable company for availability in your area~

Main Event - 2nd Hour
World Heavyweight Title Match

"One Man Show" Steve Somers (C) Vs. "The Elite One" Tyler Wells

Regular Match

"The Systematic Assassin" Logan Treasure Vs. Marky Chang

Generation Title Match
Stipulations: To Be Announced

Tony "Brujah" St. Michaels Vs. Lei-Yu Sying

Regular Match

 Russel Morris Vs. Jonathon Cross 

 Three Way Cruiserweight Title Match 

 K McKormick Vs. Christi Williams Vs. "American Sweetheart" Dani Guthrie

Main Event - 1st Hour
Falls Count Anywhere Match

 "The Suicide Machine" Ryan Stervoski Vs. Mike "Thunder" Irwin

 Destiny Match

"Mr. Money" Todd Clayborne Vs. "The Next Best Thing" Jared Blazer

Cruiserweight Match

John Doe Vs. Apehead McGhee

Debut Match

Caius Vs. "The Cerebral Assassin" Fred Debonair

 TWF Television Title Match

Boxcar Willy (C) Vs. "Pied Piper" Kirk Visconty

**Please note that card is subject to change**