On-Card Segment Format

What Is An On-Card Segment?

An On-Card Segment is something you want your character to do on the card beside wrestling his match. For instance a backstage attack, cut a promo in the ring, etc. On-card segments should be sent in a seperate e-mail from your match strategy so that they don't get overlooked. Please be as descriptive as possible when describing what you want to happen in your segment, because the card-writers are likely to embellish it a bit for easier reading, but making their job easier is always a plus. Put thought into how your character will be doing these things, and remember if you're involving how the other character responds you need to get his consent, the exception being a backstage attack.

Wrestler's Name: EX= Crusher A.B.

Type of Segment: (attack/promo/arrival to arena/etc)

Where will it occur: (backstage/in-ring/parking lot)

What will happen: (be as descriptive as possible)

Please note that if you're attacking someone backstage expect for that character to get retribution on you either later that evening or on a following card. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.