Robert "Inferno" Bradley

Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 229 lbs
Hometown: Sydney, Australia
Age or Birth date: 13 - 03 - 80
Entrance Music: "Open Your Eyes" by Guano Apes
Alignment: Neutral
Manager/Valet: None

Finishing Move: Ultimatum
Description of Finisher: Elevated Boston Crab
Trademark or Setup Move: Reverse DDT
Description of Setup Move: Self Explanatory

List 5 Moves Used Most Commonly:
-450 Splash
-Side Suplex

Ring Entrance:

"Open Your Eyes" by Guano Apes hits the PA in the arena and the fans in the arena erupt. Robert steps out onto the top of the ramp as pyro goes off down the ramp. He stands there with his arms up in the air, cocky grin on his face. He looks around and surveys the arena as he starts to make his way down the ramp and to the ring.


Coming Later

Title History:

TWF Hardcore Title