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It's All About Me...Deal With It!

Ok, so my name is JLash. No that is NOT my real name, but you don't need to know it. I am a 22-year-old female from the midwest. I live in a podunk town in Illinois right outside of St. Louis, MO. Which is where I spend most of my time.
I do a lot of promotional work for local bands like: 12 summers old, threesixtysmile, Field of Grey, sixPOiNTsummer, and Aujalyn just to name a few.
I like to fuck around with pictures and shit online. I like to do html and css shit. Check out the threesixtysmile page on (click on their name above here). I designed the background for their page and wrote the page for them as well.
I don't have a "real" job, and I don't care to either. Although money is a good thing. My problem is when I DO have money, I blow it all very quickly. Either on concerts or on alcohol. Those are my two major weaknesses.
Music is a big part of my life. Although I don't really play anything (I can play the piano a LITTLE and I want to learn the guitar... I am a half-way decent singer), I love to get involved in music. I like to go to a lot of shows. Usually I go to big shows, but as of late, I have really gotten into the local band scene. I love local bands and have become pretty good friends with quite a few of them.
There is not much to me. I am a laid back kind of person. I have a quick temper. But I tend to take things in stride. I might get a little miffed every now and then, but it takes a LOT to piss me off.
My favorite color is purple, if you hadn't noticed. My favorite type of music is rock. But I listen to pretty much anything. My favorite band of all time is Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Page is my hero. Random band person that I totally adore (that I haven't met) would be David Draiman, I wanna meet him and hang out with him. I totally idolize him. My favorite food is anything that doesn't come from a fast food restaraunt (fast food is the devil).
- One time, I got shit-faced at a bar in Baltimore MD...I got thrown out of the bar and stole a MD crab flag.
- On New Year's Eve, some 70-something year old man tried to pick me up in a bar.
- When I was 6, I threw my cat, Smokey, into my swimming pool to prove to my brothers that cats can swim...I was right.
- I once had a pet woodpecker. He died.
- I like to dance in the rain.
- I support the war in Iraq and President Bush, if you disagree....kiss my ass.
- I am jlashXcore.
- I once had a really cool bombpop man, he was in a band and would talk to me for 2 hours on his daily route...then he became black. True Story.
- James Black once said to me, "how come you're so little and yet you're so loud? not that it bothers me, I like loud people."
- Avenged Sevenfold is my God.
- People say that I don't have any points. But knives have points and I have a lot of knives so therefore I have a lot of points!
- 9 out of 10 voices in my head agree that I'm sane.
- I like to poke badgers with spoons.
- If it wasn't for my random motions, blurtings and actions, I'd be as normal as you.
- I like to talk to morons, IM me on AIM nit2bme.
- I think all humans suffer from an Identity Crisis at some point in their lives...makes me glad I'm a rabbit.
- Given enough to drink in a bar...I'm liable to either make-out with a girl, flash the entire bar, pull my pants down in the bar and show my ass.
Thanks for coming by. Come back soon!

LAST UPDATE MAY 7, 2005, 9:59AM, CST