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What I Do For Fun!

Ok, here are some pics of me having fun. You've probably guessed I have some rather dangerous hobbies. I like doing everything from being lazy to rapelling off cliffs. Well, actually, most of the time it's ledges, because I'm terrified of height. Go figure, huh? Oh well, I'm working on getting over that. Well, scroll on down for some pics of me having fun. Hope ya enjoy!!!

This is me about to throw a water balloon at my step brother, Brandon.

Me laying on the hood of my grandma's car.

Trystin spraying me down. *lol*

This is me and Trystin laying on the hood of my grandma's car relaxing.

Yes, I was slipping off the hood of the car. =P

Trystin and I with water guns.

Another pic of us with water guns.

Trystin was trying to hit me with a water balloon.

That water was COLD! Just in case you couldn't tell from the look on my face. =D

Again she threw a water balloon at me, she actually hit me that time. =P

There I am going down a hillside. We were doing that to make sure we knew what we were doing so we didn't do the real thing and kill ourselves.

I'm goofing around at High Rock. No, I didn't rapell down there without a harness.

Another pic of me goofing around at High Rock. That's the place that is about 110 feet to the bottom.

I was probably thinking 'Do you HAVE to take a pic now???'

This is probably the best one of me. I was actually starting to get the hang of the whole leaning back deal! Woohoo!

See, I can smile! Even if I can't smile AND keep my eyes open. It's an improvement. I'm working on it. =D

That's my cousin, not my kid. Cute isn't she?

Another pic of me and my cousin. Aren't we just soooooo cute? ;)
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