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Welcome to Nate's Dream Car Garage!! Take a look at all my pics (soon I'll have specs for all the cars here!)
These are the pages I have up so far! I'll be updating soon. Enjoy!

November 13,2002
Well, unfortunately, i can't keep my promise of getting any new car pages up. I've got 4 insane, homework-loving teachers so I won't be updating for a while (most likely christmas) but I am determined to spruce up this page and improve it eventually.

October 24,2002
Just let you all know I docheck this site from time to time but jsut haven't gotten around to updating it. But thats about to change! I'm going to be adding about 15 new cars and their stats in a week or so.

June 08/2002
I should probably be studying for exams but I was bored so I added 2 new sites: The Ferrari FX and the Lotus 340R! Hope, you like the new pages.

May 31/2002
I'm going to start making new pages for all the cars in the "coming soon" section as well as some others, including the Ferrari FX and the new Lamborghini.

Ferrari F60
1999 Mercedes Vision SLR
2001 Lotus Elise
2001 Lamborghini Diablo VT
2000 Hyundai Neos
2000 Honda Mugen SS2200
1999 Lotus 340R
Ferrari FX
Coming Soon!
Dodge Viper GTSR
Audi GTR

If anyone wants to request pics and/or specs for cars or has any suggestions for this site contact me by clicking here.

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