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Winbolo Basics
Winbolo is not just some first person shooters like you would normally play. They take strategy and a skill to play. Despite this tank game's inferior graphics and 2-D bird's eye view gaming view, it is a great game. The basic things that all players should and will know about are the bases      and pill boxes     .

Bases-bases are killed when they are shot 18 times will die and for a short amount of time can be driven over to be claimed for the tank that drove over it. When a base looks like the picture above (neutral), a tank may drive over it and claim it without shooting it. They win the game for you and help you refuel, giving you ammo (shells to shoot), mines (can help kill opponents or make river water when blown up next to water), and armor (helps you stay alive).

Pill boxes-pill boxes take 15 shots to die but when they are shot, they get mad and shoot faster. They can be used to either kill opponents or can be used to protect bases. When set up in a pill line (a row of pills set up in a row around a quad (one fourth of a whole map usually marked with different types of terrain from the main map).

There are many kinds of terrain that can be both helpful and hurtful. There are roads, grass, rubble, swamp, craters, and trees.

Roads        -roads are the fastest to drive on and can be built by farming trees.

Grass       -
grass is the second fastest terrain. Trees will grow on grass which can be helpful when the trees are almost gone.

Rubble      -rubble comes from walls. When a wall is destroyed by being shot 5 times, rubble appears.

Swamp      -swamp is a result of 5 shots from a boat to grass on the shore. To find swamp, look for a patch of blue looking grass.

Craters      -craters can be made by laying a mine and shooting it. This is the hardest and slowest terrain to drive over.

Trees        -trees can be useful in two different ways. 1. They are used to farm and build things like walls, pills, boats, and roads. 2. They can be used as cover, a tank that is driving and trees that are at least two squares wide will be hidden from the view of pills and tanks.

Walls      -walls are built from trees and can be used to block shots, keep enemies out of their own bases, and pill takes (pill takes will be talked about later on this page).

Boats      -boats look somewhat like arrows in the water. When driven on, you can travel in any kind of water without dying or losing ammo. They take the most trees to build (5). For those of you who don't know how to build boats because there is no button for them, they are made by building a wall in the water (river water, with no waves).

Pill Takes are useful and almost necessary ways of capturing pills. They come from using anything from a wall to another pill. There are many kinds of pill takes and here are some that I have composed from mine and my friends experiences.

Pill Take Pics
Posted by: Ace
An excellent site to go to for strategy is Min's winbolo strategy.