Slice and Dice my friends...
I give you...


Ever wanted to transfer large files from one PC to another? Ever want to place a rather large file (greater than 1 floppy disk) on a DOS machine? Do you want to e-mail your friend the latest MP3, but your e-mail provider limits your attachment size? I have your solution!!! FileSplitter will cut everything and anything into managable chunks. Check out the screen shots!!!

The Main Dialog

The About Box

Now, I'd be lieing if I told you that this release was perfect. There are limitations. While increasing the buffer size may speed up splitting, it could cause the entire process to fail if you don't have enough free memory to back it up. And, it cannot create more than 676 fragments for any one file. This is a simple limitation due to the way it creates fragment filenames. When it creates a fragment, the fragments filename becomes file.AA, file.AB, file.AC, etc. So if you do the math (26 letters squared) you get 676 different possibilites. I can easily change this, but lets face it, who's gonna have more than 676 fragments? And now, the last thing is, when you create the reassembly batch file, they all have the same name joinfile.bat so if you do multiple splitting in the same directory, you should rename that to something else before you begin splitting another file.

Now that you are thoroughly bored, you can DOWNLOAD FileSplitter and the source (AS WELL AS THE GNU GPL )

c ya later
-Lex Luthor (

P.S. My icon is of a floppy disk cut into four pieces.
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